Chapter 10 - Make up

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You went to sleep as well and got a few hours in before Haru woke up at 4:30 AM, and you hated him, your life, and everyone else.

You were still so upset at Minho. How could he say those things to you?

How was it fair for him to treat you like that?

You fed Haru, then played with him for a bit. He was beginning to babble and make lots of cute sounds, which you loved hearing so much. Looking at him, you started feeling like a failure again for outright hating him for waking you up and crying. You knew he was in pain from the teething, and he was just a baby. Crying was his only way of communicating.

When Haru quieted down a bit, you finally found a moment of peace, so you decided to go take a quick shower.

On your way to the bathroom, you saw Minho sleeping on the sofa. You wondered why he fell asleep over there instead of in his bedroom. The room was sparkling clean, there were no more cups on the table, Haru's dirty clothes were gone, and you felt bad again for leaving a mess behind you for Minho to clean up.

You disliked him right now, just as you disliked everything else after being woken up and not managing to rest yet again. Still, it was a bit chilly, since the AC was on, so you grabbed a thin blanket and put it over him. You didn't want him to catch a cold.

You then resumed your quest to take a shower and quickly hopped in and turned on the water, when you heard the beautiful screech of Haru's voice screaming his lungs out once again.

If there was a record for the quickest shower in the world, you were sure the prize would be yours, as it took you less than 2 minutes to put soap on, wash it off, dry yourself with a towel and run out, but by the time you opened the nursery door again, Minho was already rocking Haru to sleep and whispering kind words to him.

Your gaze warmed up at the sight, and when he saw you, he smiled softly.

"Hey." He whispered.

You just nodded.

"Did you... sleep? At least a little?" He asked hesitantly.

"Yea." You replied coldly, avoiding his gaze. You looked at the empty crib instead.

"Listen, about last night..."

"What about it?"

"I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said that..."

"You shouldn't have said what?" You questioned. Maybe it was petty, but you wanted him to acknowledge exactly what wrong things he said.

"Everything... I was just so mad... you were right, I was taking it out on you, and didn't think clearly, and you happened to be there, and I was annoyed. You are the best mom, and I'm an idiot."

You chuckled hearing the end of the sentence.

"You're not an idiot, Minho." You went near him and touched his shoulder, watching him look at you with tired eyes. He looked exhausted as well.

"No, I definitely am. You do so much around here, and you're taking such good care of Haru, and I just disregarded everything you do."

"It's just... it might not seem like much to you, Minho. You're right. I stay home with the baby and that's my job, basically. It should be easy, right?" You chuckled, trying to find a way to express exactly why what he said hurt so much.

"I never said it was easy-"

"But you know what?" You interrupted him, wanting to finish your point. "Compared to a regular job, let's say yours, I don't get any breaks, any time off. You filmed something, right? I bet you had horribly full days that made you tired. But you still got to go to your hotel and sleep uninterrupted, you still had mealtimes, you could shower, you could talk with friends and other people on set. I couldn't do any of that. I was stuck here, having no adult conversations with anyone, I couldn't find enough time to eat or shower, Haru was difficult..."

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now