Chapter 12 - Company dinner

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Since your mother-in-law was spending time with Haru, you took the time you needed to relax, sleep in the afternoon, pack for the trip, then get ready for the dinner party.

It was the first time in a while when you went out, and you were really in need of socialising face-to-face with some adults.

You picked a knee-length dress and some black thighs, and you felt a bit self-conscious of your stomach that still didn't completely disappear after giving birth, but chose to ignore it and just go out and have fun.

"Ready?" Minho smiled at you. "You're really beautiful!"

"Thank you!" You smiled back. "You don't look too bad yourself."

He was wearing a casual black suit, and he looked like a model, as usual. His shirt had one too many opened buttons, and you took a peek at his chest shamelessly.

The ride to their company wasn't too long, and as soon as you arrived and Minho took you to one of the rooms upstairs. You were glad to see that the boys were already there.

"Da-Eun! I missed you sooooo much!" Taemin hugged you tightly, and you sat down next to him.

Onew waved at you over the table and mouthed a "Hey, beautiful", making you smile.

The drinks were pouring as you and Taemin were playing a funny would you rather game that consisted of dilemmas. You found a Facebook page about it and knew he would most definitely love it, but you didn't want to send it to him, even if you messaged almost daily.

Your messages mostly consisted of him sending pictures of his cat or food, and you sending back Haru's cute sleeping poses and little toes.

Well, you only sent toes once, actually, because Taemin shocked you by sending back a picture of his feet as well, so you figured that whatever you sent, he'd send back. This was indeed a weird power to have.

"So, the next one says: 'There's always a fog in your house' OR 'There is moss growing on your bed'. What would you choose?" You asked him, laughing.

"Would a moss bed be comfortable?" He contemplated, supporting his chin on his fist.

"To be honest, having fog in the house would be pretty fun. Like a concert or something." Jinki answered, making you raise your gaze and look at him. He must've been bored out of his mind to participate in your silly game.

You saw something in the eyes of the girl next to him, who was sitting directly in front of Minho, and you wondered if it was just your imagination. Why would she look annoyed at you?

You didn't pay it much mind at first.

"I think I'll go with moss." Taemin replied after careful consideration.

"I'm definitely picking the fog." Jinki laughed. "I mean, think about it, it's pretty cool."

"How's that cool? What if you can't see where you're walking?" Taemin scoffed.

"Or like, if you burn something up while cooking. Would it be fog, or smoke?" You added.

"Woah, you're thinking far!" Jinki exclaimed.

"What about you, Da-Eun?" Taemin asked. "Settle the debate."

"Hmmm. Depends how thick the fog is, but I'm not sure I'd like sleeping on moss."

"Come on, it would be fluffy!"

"You do have a point." You chuckled.

"So, you're on team Taemin then, or are you joining the dark side?" Jinki asked you with a grin.

Broken hearts can heal - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now