chapter - 1

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"Marriage is not the happy ending"

A nervous groom stands just outside his wedding ceremony, waiting to be called in. One of his friends approaches and tells him to quit trembling before his knees give out, but the groom, who we'll come to know as Jeon Jungkook, insists that he's fine; all he has to do is march down that aisle.

Once he's officially called in, Jungkook takes a breath and literally marches down the aisle like a toy soldier, lol. His parents watch in total horror and embarrassment, but the rest of the crowd cheer him on. His lovely groom Park Jimin  is called in next, and he's all smiles as he enters with his father.

That smile disappears when he steps on his own shoes because of his clumsiness and was about to fall to the ground. Jungkook rushes to his side to make sure he's okay, which gets his smiling again. They beam at each other like fools in love, neither of them at all embarrassed. So cute.

As the couple continue with their upbeat ceremony, Jimin  narrates that all romantic dramas end with marriage, because for the main characters, marriage is the happy result after a long journey of hardship.

The couple is still smiling as they leave the ceremony, and Jimin  narration adds that opening those doors should be a happy ending. However, as the couple fade out into their "happy ending," an older version of the couple fades in.

It's 12 years later, and they're now walking out of court after having finalized their divorce. They both seem completely drained, though Jungkook forces a smile and offers a handshake, saying that he should at least comfort him . Jimin returns the fake smile, only to drop it when he says that he should just remember to pay the alimony. Jungkook dryly states that it's not even that much.

Jimin calls him petty, and Jungkook retorts that that's his personality. Having had enough, Jimin huffs and starts to walk away, but Jungkook calls him back. "Let me visit Jungmin often," he requests, referring to their son. Jimin expression seems sad now, but he agrees.

And with that, they go their separate ways. Jimin concludes his  narration by wondering if all characters in romantic dramas continue their happy ending after marriage.


We rewind to one month before the divorce: Jimin is a stay-at-home husband , and we see that his  toddler, Jungmin , needs to cling onto him at all times.  Jungkook even finds him carrying Jungmin while he uses the bathroom, and Jungkook says in disgust that he at least shut the door. Jimin just glares at him as he shuffles away.

Jungmin then runs off to his daddy, while Jimin goes off to their room and stares at today's date on his calendar, marked "Wedding Anniversary." Just then, his face lights up to see a jewelry gift bag hanging on the coat rack.

he's overjoyed to see a pair of expensive-looking earrings inside, but when Jungkook walks in on him trying them on, he flips out. He snatches them away from him and says that they're a gift to a doctor at work, whose anniversary is today. Jimin watches him leave incredulously.

Jimin follows Jungkook out and demands to know what the passcode to their front door is. Still annoyed, he answers that the numbers are their anniversary date. "It's... today," he realizes. Wah-wah.

Jimin's glare grows severe, making Jungkook's eyes dart to the knives on the counter. What Jimin actually grabs terrifies him more: his planner for work. Jimin dangles it over the sink, and Jungkook gingerly asks him to think about how important that book is for him as a pharmaceutical salesman. He even promises to buy him a gift, but Jimin doesn't budge.

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