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"You shine the brightest when you are yourself"

In 2022, Jimin tries on a dress he ordered online. It's pretty, but he's worried that it's too much, especially if he's trying to carry Jungmin around and according to his age .

Jimin still really likes the dress, so tries the dress on again. Jungkook arrives home and he jumps out to surprise Jungkook. But Jungkook is totally disinterested, tells him he's too old for dresses like that, and starts calling for his son. When he hears that Jungmin is asleep, all the energy in him deflates and he ignores Jimin and wanders off.

Jimin thought to himself as he seals the box to return the dress "Age is just not a number"


In current 1999, we return to that rainy day in Seoul. Jimin gets off the bus and huddles at the same stop as IU, and notices that IU tucks her own umbrella into her bag.

Jimin heads off to campus just as Jungkook's bus arrives, but he turns to watch IU and Jungkook talk, his expression grim. Jimin's umbrella breaks down, but our favorite white knight, Namjoon, is waiting in the wings and covers him with his umbrella.

As they walk, Jimin recalls Namjoon's confession the day before, and his heart flutters. Namjoon beckons him to walk closer so that he's under the umbrella too, and he wonders if he's a player.

Jungkook and IU approach from the opposite direction, and as the couples pass one another, Jimin and Jungkook both send lingering glances at one another over their shoulders.

In class, Jungkook can't help but study Namjoon from a few rows behind, and compares the young man's shoulder width with his own. A few rows back, Jimin watches Jungkook and thinks of a similarly rainy day they'd experienced in their futures.

Jimin had emerged from the bus to find Jungkook waiting for him. He'd been happy to see him, but his spirits were dashed when he handed him an umbrella and then opened his own. Jimin told him he wanted to share, but he'd scoffed, "Are we shooting a teen drama?" Jimin glared into his back as he walked away.

Now in 1999, Jimin recalls his words and wonders if Jungkook is shooting a reality show with him and a drama with IU, and mutters a curse at his back.

The rain has cleared, and the professor cancels class so the students can enjoy the campus festival. Jimin pulls Jungkook aside to talk in private, then asks him not to bring his date to his dad's theater.

Jungkook knows it was awkward, but then again, his father-in-law has no clue who he is, so does it really matter? Jungkook seems bummed by that. Jimin retorts that Jungkook almost gave himself away with his reaction, and Jungkook mutters that it's just habit.

Jungkook brings up Namjoon and how he seems to be following Jimin around everywhere. Jimin shoots back that IU may look innocent, but she's sly, and lied about having a umbrella this morning. Jungkook is delighted to hear this, and tells Jimin that it isn't sly, it's cute.

Jungkook tells Jimin he's been watching too many makjang dramas, and Jimin fires back that he's too into his illicit love story, right as Yoongi strolls up. Yoongi asks if he can borrow the illicit love story video from Jimin, and Jimin just tells him to ask Jungkook, who's got porn of all genres.


On the quad, the university festival is gearing up. The history department has set up a bar in their booth on the lawn, while the civil engineering seniors can't seem to find any of their freshmen to man their water balloon game. Speaking of those missing freshmen...

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