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"You can't take anything for granted"

In the newlywed days Jimin cuddles Jungkook in appreciation as he uses his knowledge of pharmaceuticals to manage his medications. But in 2022, his same efforts go unappreciated by Jimin. Jungkook begins to think: "At one point in life, we begin to take some things for granted, because we get comfortable and used to them."

Jimin begs Jungkook to change his shirt, since the one he has on is dirty. Jungkook's already late and doesn't really care, but Jimin insists and pulls him back in to change. Jimin's efforts to take care of him earn him a long sigh rather than appreciation. Jungkook continues: "We consider the kindness of our love and the happiness we have as something we deserve, and we take them for granted."

The scene moves to the day of Jimin's mother's funeral; Jimin watches as a mother and a son walk in to the funeral together. Jungkook watches Jimin's crouched figure from inside, as his thoughts  continues: "But we only realize this after we lose everything. That someone's existence was not supposed to be taken for granted."


Jimin and Jungkook stand facing one another outside Jimin's house, lit by the streetlights.

Back to 1999 and the group's trip to Gangneung. It's now morning, and Jimin and Jungkook are the first to rise. Jungkook hints at their history with Gangneung and the fireflies, but Jimin dodges the topic and turns it to how fresh the air is. Rather than get upset about not having his moment with Jimin, Jungkook just says that he's glad that Jimin saw them and is enjoying the fresh air. (How surprisingly mature, Jungkook.)

Namjoon is the next one awake, and watches on as Jimin and Jungkook sit together in awkward silence.

Meanwhile, Seol busies herself loading up the van (and making sure there's no room for Jimin to sit, ha). Yoongi worries that Seol was drunk enough to cause mischief again last night, and even as Seol denies it, she finds several phone keypad buttons in her pocket.

Yoongi's cell phone is indeed Seol's victim, and Yoongi gives chase. Taehyung comments the two should date, but Jhope says that Seol can do better, and Taehyung can't disagree.

Jimin notes the scruff on Jungkook's face and comments on his hasty shaving job. Jungkook complains that the past lacks six blade razors, and Jimin chuckles at his excuses. Namjoon watches the entire exchange, and Jungkook tries to play up Jimin's criticism as concern for him.

Namjoon is surprised when Jimin doesn't offer to ride back to school with him, but don't worry, Seol has his back. Seol says there's no room left in the van and disregards the guys' protests as she slams the van door shut.

On the road, Seol and Jhope laugh at the boy's obliviousness of their ploy to give Jimin and Namjoon some alone time. Seol shoots her judgmental eyes at Jungkook as she declares that Jimin needs to meet a nice guy for once, while Jungkook just drives in silence. He's caught up in his memories of how the firefly viewing was supposed to go, and how Namjoon had ended up in his place.


In Namjoon's car, Jimin's thoughts are on the same scenes. As Namjoon thinks of their moment last night, he recalls how Jimin ducked out of the embrace to race back to the cabin, making the excuse that they should go drink.

He breaks the silence for some small talk, but what he really wants is to get Jimin's opinion on his shaving technique. Jimin leans in to confirm that his face is nice and smooth, and Namjoon smiles at his attention.

Back to Jimin's home, Jimin joins his parents for some TV. The news talks about the upcoming Michael Jackson concert in Seoul, but Jimin doesn't show the same enthusiasm for the event as his parents. Jimin's Dad gets up to try out his dance moves, and then his  Mom gets up to demonstrate her superior moonwalking skills.

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