Chapter - 7

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A small peak into how jungkook got a crush on IU way back: 19-year-old Jungkook has just finished registering at his future college and whines to his mother that he doesn't want to study civil engineering. Registration is about to close, but Jungkook spots a girl running to make it in time. It's IU, and Jungkook keeps the doors open for her, his reward a broad smile and a thank you. Just like that, he is enchanted.

Later Jungkook watching IU from the school hallway as she dances, and he ducks out of sight when she looks at him. He tries to bring her a drink, but on his way in, he trips (over himself, literally), and the drink rolls to IU's feet.

Jumping up, Jungkook awkwardly shouts that she can just have the drink he dropped before making a run for it. But IU catches up with him and thanks him for the drink, her smile drawing a grin out of Jungkook.


A  peak into jikook's married  life phase

Jungkook selling medical equipment to doctors.  later exhausted Jungkook climbs into bed next to Jimin. He wakes at his arrival, but neither turns to the other, scrunched away on opposite sides of the bed.


At Namjoon's house, his father harps on him again to either change his major to business administration or quit ROTC for student council. His father is indignant when Namjoon asks if he's supposed to learn about exploiting other students on the council, but his stepmother sweeps in to calm the two men.

Stepmom has a late birthday gift for Namjoon, who accepts it begrudgingly before leaving. His father thinks he should stop giving Namjoon an allowance, but his wife tells him absolutely not.

In his car, Namjoon recalls his actual birthday the day before, when he pulled over into the taxi line to take a call from his birth mother. His mother's not calling to wish him happy birthday, but to demand money. She yells at him, and he yells back that she can't even remember his birthday. He screams at her to stop putting him in the middle and call his father directly for money, then slams the cellphone down into the seat.

Namjoon is overcome with emotions and drops his head to the wheel, right when a tearful Jimin steps into his "taxi."


 Continuation of last chapter :- As Jungkook and Jimin argue in the campus radio station, unaware that they're broadcasting to the whole campus.

Jungkook argues that they're doomed if anyone finds out that they were married, but Jimin says that he'll be the one in trouble if his first love finds out that he's a married man. Jungkook stutters out that he's not married, he's divorced.

Jungkook points out that Jimin was perfectly happy falling into a younger man's arms. Jimin demands his alimony, and Jungkook says that he's a poor student who can't afford to give him anything. Jhope snarls at this while he listens.

Not far from the radio station, Seol listens in to the argument, realizing who the divorced couple is. Jungkook gets the last dig in as he tells Jimin to stop doing things out of character, like clubbing and drinking. Jimin huffs away, but Jungkook has one last thing to say and chases after him.

Jungkook demands that Jimin turn over the phone number he collected from the doctor last night, and Jimin perks up when he hears he's a doctor "on the other side." From behind a pillar, Seol has definitely just heard and seen everything.(seol is jimin's friend  ,is a girl)


In class, everyone talks about the divorced students, but Jungkook doesn't realize they're talking about him and joins in on the trash talk... until Taehyung gets to the part where the man is a cheapskate. Jungkook recognizes his ex-husnand's favorite word for him and learns that the argument was broadcast across campus.

Jimin is enduring his classmate's criticism as well. Jhope wonders if the whole thing was a radio drama, which cheers Jimin up, but the radio hosts get on air just then to clarify that it absolutely wasn't a drama.

In the cafeteria, Taehyung and Jungkook end up joining Jimin and Seol for lunch. The divorced students are still the hot topic, and Seol growls that the guy is a jerk for getting him pregnant, her eyes locked on Jungkook. Jungkook is compelled to defend himself and says that the guy didn't "get him pregnant," but that they were married, and this only increases Seol's fury.

Taehyung comments that both of the students abandoned their child, and Jungkook and Jimin both emphatically call that nonsense. Taehyung thinks the best way to spot the divorcees is to look for the students who are publicly fighting, so Jimin and Jungkook make an effort to be overly civil to one another.

After lunch, Jimin and Jungkook find a bench for a private conversation and agree to not argue publicly. That agreement doesn't even last a minute, however, as they start arguing about whose fault the radio broadcast was in the first place. Taehyung and Seol approach, so they haltingly pretend to be good friends. But Seol's fiery gaze won't leave Jungkook until Jimin drags her away.

Hyun-suk recognizes Jimin in the hall, and he almost slips and calls him a doctor. Jungkook watches as Hyun-suk asks for Jimin's number, and Jimin catches Jungkook's eye before he eagerly writes his number down for Hyun-suk

Namjoon tries to blow off some steam in the pool, but he can't shake Jimin and their accidental hug from his mind. A girl tries to catch his attention by pretending to drown, and Namjoon doesn't even look as he tosses a kickboard in for her, 

___________________to be continued 

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