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Jungkook and his friends grab sodas and head outside, where they encounter Nostradamus Doomsday believers. Jungkook laughs at it, but Yoongi prattles on about it even as Jungkook calls it all a lie. Jungkook is distracted, though, when he sees (who will be) Doctor Park stroll past them.

Jungkook follows Doctor Park (just Park Hyun-suk in 1999) across campus, recalling that last encounter the day the doctor hit him, until Hyun-suk stops to talk to his girlfriend (and future wife, Kim Ye-rin).

Jungkook slams into Hyun-suk on purpose and sends him to the ground, but then apologizes immediately for the "accident." Ye-rin yells at Jungkook, but Hyun-suk doesn't want to start a fight and says that it's fine. As an apology, Jungkook gives Hyun-suk the soda he still has.

Ye-rin says that Hyun-suk is too nice, but he says it was just an accident. But then Hyun-suk opens the soda from Jungkook, and it explodes like a geyser in his face.

Crossing the quad, Jungkook triumphantly thinks back to how he vigorously shook the can the whole time while crossing the campus.


Jimin with his friends have made their way to the cafeteria in the meantime, and Jimin exclaims that a whole meal is as cheap as a bag of chips in his time. Seol points Jimin toward the signs covering the wall that demand the administration respond to the recent price hike in the cafeteria, and Jhope asks if Jimin's chips are made of gold, ha.

Jimin scarfs down his meal while his friends wonder what's become of him. In a flashback, they recall a prissier Jimin of 1999, who ate like a bird(less amount of food).

Back in the current 1999, Jimin even dips his spoon into Jhope's soup to give it a try. Jhope wonders if Jimin has been starving himself, and Jimin waves off his comment, saying that Jhope will understand when he has kids. A  flash were jimin was not able to have his meals due to Jungmin's continuous crying and he held Jungmin while he is eating also. This gets him a confused stare from Jhope.

Exiting the cafeteria, they continue to question Jimin's change of heart about eating a full meal, and Jimin mentions that life with a baby has changed him. This gives his friends pause, but they're starting to roll with their friend's new weirdness, and Jhope claps Jimin on the shoulder for finally starting to change his ways.

Jimin spots Jungkook and his friends. Jungkook wants to know what they're doing after lunch, and Yoongi reminds him that they've got a blind date meetup. Jimin glares at Jungkook as he passes, while Jungkook gives him a more lingering glance, wishing that they'd stop crossing paths.

He doesn't get his wish, however, and finds himself directly across the table from Jimin at the date meetup. All our guys and ladies are there, plus a few others from their respective departments. Jimin and Jungkook realize at the same time that they are at the blind date where they first met.

Yoongi has something critical to say about most of them, going as far as calling them chubby a "bomb." Across the table, one of them whispers about the color streaks in all of the guys' hair (except for Yoongi and Jungkook). Even without a color streak, she deems Yoongi the worst of the bunch.

While the others gossip, Jimin and Jungkook are having a staredown, each determined not to get involved with the other.

They go down the line introducing themselves. Yoongi's joke about his name isn't well received, so he screams out that there's a cockroach to scare Taehyung. Taehyung squeals in panic, ruining his otherwise cool introduction. When it's Jungkook's turn, he manages to get a real laugh out of the others when he makes a joke, and Jimin glowers at his smarminess.

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