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We return to the present day, just after Jimin and Jungkook officially ended their marriage. Jimin goes to a columbarium to visit his mother, apologizing for being too busy with Jungmin to come more often. As he starts to cry, he muses that he's been crying a lot more as he got older.

Jungkook visits a convenience store near his childhood home and makes small talk with the ajumma there, who he seems to know quite well. As he heads out, he's bombarded with texts from his two best friends. One of them, Yoongi , calls him to pester him with questions about the divorce.

The other friend, a rather buff  Taehyung snatches the phone from Yoongi and tells Jungkok to get some rest and call them later

Taehyung asks why Yoongi is so interested in someone else's divorce, and Yoongi insists that he needs to know so he can get divorced too.  Taehyung gives him a good smack on the head for that. Taehyng then sees the black residue left on his hand and asks what the heck Yoongi put in his hair. Yoongi curses and smooths out his hair, saying he had to use hair loss concealer. 

 Taehyung wonders why their friends divorced so suddenly, and Yoongi figures that a love like theirs doesn't always last forever—in fact, he says, Taehyung  is the perfect example. That triggers something in Taehyung and he grabs Yoongi, threatening to throw him over the balcony they're on if he mentions the name J-hope .

 J hope  who also happens to be Jimin's friend, as he leads a dance class. He calls Jimin  to find out why he divorced so suddenly, but Jimin is too tired to explain for now.

Jungkook  returns to his parents' house and finds his older brother , Jin , chasing his teenaged son for causing trouble. Jungkook tells Jin to go easy on the kid, but he just smacks Jungkook on the head. As Mom and Dad file in, they each give Jungkook a smack as well.

He later retreats to his old room with some soju, where he stares at his wedding ring. Jimin does the same as he gets a bus ride home. He eventually drops his ring, letting it fall to the street, while Jungkook throws his out the window.

The two rings quiver where they are until suddenly, both Jimin  and Jungkook find themselves in the middle of an earthquake. But strangely enough,  it's only happening to them and not the people around them.

The rings vanish into thin air, stopping the earthquake and leaving our couple stunned. But they're confused when everyone else insists they didn't feel it, and when no one believes their claims, they're forced to brush it off.

As Jungkook goes to bed, picture of baby Jungmin  in the frame changes to his wedding photo, then his college photos, going all the way back in time until it stops on an old family picture.


Jungkook gets up the next morning, so hungover from last night that he doesn't even notice that his entire room has changed—there's a huge desktop computer, a box TV, and dozens of manhwas and CDs. He just walks right out of the house and into his regular convenience store to get some hangover remedies.

But he notices something strange about the expiration dates: They're all in 1999. He turns to confront the ajumma about it, but stops in shock to see that she looks much younger now. He then catches his reflection in the mirror behind her and freaks out to see that he looks younger, too.

He runs back home, calling for his mom, but his eyes only grow wider to see that both his parents are younger too. One look at the 1999 calendar on the wall and it all clicks into place for him. "I... think I came from the future," he says, scratching his chin like it's no big deal. LOL.

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