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EPISODE 11: "Tangled hearts grow when we ignore and neglect them"

After his mom's funeral (in 2009), Jimin had escaped into the bedroom to cry while Jungkook listened from the living room. The next morning, Jimin had come out to find Jungkook sleeping on the couch, still dressed in his suit. Jimin glared at him with tears in his eyes, only to let out a hopeless sigh. And later when Jungkook woke up, he'd found that Jimin still made him breakfast.

Jimin thought to himself  that people's hearts can get tangled not necessarily because it's someone's fault, but because of a situation—and instead of simply ignoring and neglecting their problems, he and Jungkook should've tried to fix them. We see that after Jimin's Mom's death, they both tried to bury their sorrow and plaster on fake smiles. That, of course, only made their tangled hearts grow bigger, until they finally blew up with that argument that led to divorce.


 Back to current 1999, Jungkook showing up at Jimin's door. Jungkook's face crumples as he confesses that he missed his mother-in-law too, and Jimin tears up too. But before he can answer him, his mom opens the door and asks what they're talking about.

 Jimin's Mom looks Jungkook up and down and says that he seems pretty young to have a mother-in-law. She asks why he and Jimin are crying, and Jimin tells her not to get the wrong idea; he makes up the excuse that Jungkook was upset about a friend of his and came to talk to him about it.

Jimin urges his Mom to go back inside, but Mom, still looking concerned, turns back and invites Jungkook to join them for dinner.

Once inside, the familiar space triggers memories for Jungkook. He remembers sitting down with Jimin's parents to get their blessing. When Jimin's parents had jumped to the conclusion that they were insistent on marrying because Jimin was pregnant,  Jimin'sMom started hitting Jimin and Dad started hitting Jungkook , until Jimin blurted out that the reason was that they couldn't spend another day apart. 

He then remembers sweet moments with Jimin's Mom when he would secretly give her spending money, and even some heartfelt moments with Dad when Mom had passed away.  Jimin's Dad had cried in front of him, saying he was glad to have a son-in-law since he couldn't cry like that in front of his son. Only now, Jimin's dad is looking at Jungkook like he wants him out of his house.

He falls into protective-dad mode and starts interrogating Jungkook, but Jimin's Mom tells him to be nice. She encourages Jungkook to eat and even places a piece of fish on his spoon. He looks at her with such sadness, remembering how she always did that for him when he was still her son-in-law. His reaction doesn't go unnoticed by Jimin.

At the same time, Jungkook can't help but notice the loving interactions between Jimin and Mom as they eat. Afterwards, Mom sees Jungkook out, even inviting him to join them again sometime. She asks what kind of food he likes, and Jimin surprises Jungkook by naming his favorite dish.

Mom heads back inside, and Dad asks why he bothered walking Jungkook out. She responds that something about him makes her feel sorry for him and wonders why he looks at her with the same sad expression that Jimin has had lately.

Jimin and Jungkook sit at a park bench, and Jimin notices the blood on his knuckles (from beating Hyun-suk). He asks what happened, and he replies with a question: Why didn't he tell him about his run-in with Hyun-suk?

Jimin says it wasn't a big deal, but he starts tearing up again as he voices how right he was. He'd always thought he'd be the one to protect Jimin, but now he realizes he never could. Jimin sighs at that.

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