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Jimin can't stop thinking about Jungkook's suggestion that they live their lives separately. He snaps out of it when his professor says that they can never get their youth back—and with that said, he told everyone to start on a bucket list. Jimin gets to writing his list is.

Later, as they chill out in their dorm, Jimin whines that they should go out instead of wasting time inside. He asks what the kids do these days, which gets a laugh out of Jhope. Jhope jokes that these "kids" go drinking and clubbing. Jimin likes the sound of that, and suggests they go clubbing tonight.

Jhope and Seoul are shocked to hear that—Jimin had sworn to never enter a night club in his past—but they're more than willing to break Jimin's rule for a night of fun.

So they get all glammed up and make their way out of campus, turning heads as they go. They're all smiles until they reach a treacherous downward trek, looking down at their attire dismay.(it's a bit of hill shoes and the way is little slippery )

Jhope and Seoul take baby steps down the hill, but Jimin decides to brave it and march down confidently. But he soon loses his footing and starts speeding down the hill with no way to stop.

He yells for everyone to get out of the way, but one figure stays where he is, watching him speed toward him: Namjoon.

Jimin runs right into Namjoon's arms, and immediately freezes in shock. Namjoon then releases him, saying that he probably smells. Embarrassed, Jimin says that now he doesn't smell at all, but namjoon just walks past him with a blank face. However, once he's out of sight, Namjoon's expression turns flustered as he wonders what kind of person Jimin really is.

Jungkook and his friends stand at the bottom of the hill, having witnessed what happened. Yoongi and Taehyung joke that they should wait around to catch more falling people, but Jungkook just watches Jimin with an unreadable expression.


At the night club, Jimin is mesmerized by what's he's been missing out on. He's happily dancing at their table, and when he notices other people waving a light around, he picks the light up on their table and waves it, unaware that it's used to signal the waiters.

When a waiter comes running, he suggests that they try "booking" (a Korean practice in which they are sent to rooms to socialize with others). Jimin is all for it, and he allows the waiter to drag him and his friends to a private room.

In the club's bathroom, future doctor Park Hyun-suk answers a call from his girlfriend and lies that he's at the library. Afterward, he joins his friend outside and asks if he's spotted any decent girls yet . It's then that he notices Jimin as he and his friends follow their waiter.

Jungkook and his friends are in the club as well, sitting in their own private room. As they ready themselves for socializing, Jungkook announces that all the drinks are on him. That gets everyone's spirits up, but as soon as they're introduced to some women, the mood slowly dissipates.

Yoongi isn't interested in his girl, and none of Taehyung's girls are interested in him. Instead, all the girls flock over to Jungkook's side of the room. He's the life of the party as he tells joke after joke.

Meanwhile, Jimin and his friends sit with Hyun-suk and his friend, the air awkward. When Hyun-suk asks his age, he almost says "35," but makes a quick save by asking how old he thinks he is. He makes jimin blush by guessing that he's 20, and notes that he's his hyung since he's 26.

Jimin shyly calls him hyung, earning an incredulous look from Jhope. Hyun-suk's friend likes Jhope's feisty attitude and challenges him with drinks, but the poor fella is passed out before he can even eat his words.

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