Chapter - 3

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"Memories are remembered at your convenience"

In the present day, Jungkook watches a reality TV show about celebrity blind dates while his son, Jungmin, sits in a baby ball pit nearby. Jimin is not pleased when he finds his husband on the couch, so he turns off the TV and admonishes him for not playing with Jungmin. Jimin clucks that blind dates give him the creeps, and Jungkook counters that it's not like he has fond memories of them either.

Jimin wishes that he had just studied hard so that he could have become a judge or a prosecutor, and Jungkook accuses him of ruining his own chances at a good life by seducing him. Jimin shoots back that it was Jungkook who seduced him, and the two argue over whether Jungkook was winking at him or if Jimin stared him down on their own blind date.


And now we're back to 1999, and just before Jimin's efforts to say hello to handsome athlete Namjoon. Namjoon struts down the hall as adoring girls and boys try to fawn over him, but he seems disinterested. Jimin approaches with his greeting, and everyone in the hall turns to stare. Namjoon scoffs and gives him a hard stare as well, which comes as a surprise to Jimin

 Jhope asksif Jimin has gone crazy, since he embarrassed Namjoon by turning him down just the day before.

In flashback, we see Namjoon marching up to Jimin and his friends on the quad before asking him on a date. Jimin declines, and when Namjoon asks why, he covers his nose and says that he smells like sweat. The onlookers nearby gasp while Namjoon pulls open his ROTC jacket to assess just how bad he smells.

Back in current 1999, Jimin can't believe his own actions. Jhope calls him out for being a germaphobe when poor Namjoon had obviously just finished his ROTC workout, and Jimin agrees. Jhope just can't register his friend's change of heart, leading him to wonder if Jimin is sick.


We return to the engineering department to see that the punishment being dealt out by the seniors has intensified. All the juniors have to squat while Junkook planks on the ground. Jungkook thinks about how it's not just kids in the present who are bad—kids have always been scary.

Taehyung asks when they can stop, and his seniors reply that they can stop as soon as a girl walks in. The whole group groans, since they all know that there are no girls in the engineering department.

But wait! Out in the hallway, boys gape at a figure with long flowing locks. The engineering juniors spot her shadow out the window, and Jungkook silently begs the figure to enter the classroom. The figure with flowing locks enters, but it turns out it's not a girl at all—it's Jungkook's friend Yoongi, with the most epically long mane of hair.

Yoongi takes in the situation and apologizes for being late, but Jungkook totally loses it at the appearance of his friend (and his friend's hair) and falls to the floor in a fit of giggles. At that, the seniors command everyone down into a plank as punishment.


Meanwhile, Jimin is internally berating himself for being so heartless to Namjoon in the past, but he forgets his concerns once he steps back in a classroom and takes in the nostalgic setting. Jimin can't stop staring when he spots another old friend, CHUN SEOL .

Seol points out that everyone seems to be gossiping about Jimin today, and Jhope sighs at how quickly the Namjoon confrontation has spread. Meanwhile, Jimin recalls that Seol will eventually take a leave of absence for unknown reasons.

Today's class debate is about historical figure Heungseon Daewongun versus Empress Myeongseong, and who was at fault for toppling the Joseon Dynasty. Jimin enjoys the lecture and his classmates' presentations, until he realizes that he is the chosen speaker for his group. At the front of the classroom, Jimin splutters that he's forgotten what his group debated (which is true), so the professor asks him to give his opinion.

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