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"Your weapon against the world"

In 2022 Jungkook went to a meeting with his sunbae from college. Jungkook's friends are certain that the guy called suddenly to try to sell him insurance, but Jungkook remembers that his sunbae always wanted to be an architect and figures he pursued that path.

When Jungkook gets there, though, it seems his friends were right. Over drinks afterward, Yoongi and Taehyung recall how the sunbae had bragged about becoming an architect, but Jungkook reminds them that they'd done that too, saying they'd be movie directors. The guys laugh at the memory.

This takes them into a flashback, when they were fresh-faced and eager volunteers on a movie set. Jungkook thought: "There was a time when I had nothing to lose, since I had nothing." "There was a time when I couldn't estimate how hard the world was." 


Now it's back to current 1999, as Namjoon overhears Hyun-suk's friends talking about the takedown at the medical student party and how Hyun-suk was so angry he might go after Jimin.

Jimin walks home and begins to sense someone following him, so he calls Jungkook for help. But Jungkook tries to call him at the exact same time, and they both get busy signals. A dark figure charges Jimin, and he drops his phone to the ground. At the same moment, Jungkook's phone rings. His eyes widen as he listens, and he starts running.

Hyun-suk corners Jimin and says he's not afraid to hit him and go to jail for it. But as he readies his swing, he receives a mighty kick to his side. Namjoon has arrived to save the day, and he retorts, "No need to go to jail. I'll just send you to the afterlife."


Jungkook has found his caller, IU, who has packed her bags and decided to run away from home after all.

Back in the alley, Hyun-suk tries to fight back, but Namjoon easily fights him off. Jimin eventually pulls Namjoon away, and when Hyun-suk asks why he's doing this, Jimin responds that he's pitiful, getting upset about a woman he doesn't even like. He says he should be grateful that Namjoon showed up, otherwise he would have killed him, and then finally warns that he shouldn't bully powerless salesmen.

With that, Jimin beckons to Namjoon and they leave Hyun-suk alone in the alley. Jimin thanks Namjoon for saving him, and namjoon smiles at him tough bravado earlier. JImin wonders what he's doing in his neighborhood, and when his stuttered response of going for a walk doesn't add up, jimin asks again if he likes him.

Namjoon repeats that he thinks he likes him, starting sometime after he rejected his request for a date. Jimin says that he must like older men, since he fell for this version of him, but he doesn't get it. Jimin warns that it's probably best not to like him.

Instead, he thinks he should pursue his dream of being a great history lecturer. But Namjoon is taken aback, since he's never told Jimin his dream.

Jimin plays it off and scuttles inside his house, leaving Namjoon wondering. Jimin's dad returns home at that moment and sees the rich young man courting his son.


As Jungkook and IU eat burgers together, he lectures IU about running away and avoiding her parents' phone calls, but IU thinks it was his great idea in the first place. Jungkook asks where she's planning on staying, and IU's eyes drift out to a motel across the street.

Now Jungkook drags IU down the street towards her home, his lecturing continuing the whole way. As IU struggles with Jungkook, her father catches up with the pair.

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