10. Fumming Alpha.

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☆.。.:* .。.:*☆

"Hyung, where were you?" Just as Jimin entered inside his house and closed the door he heard Ji Hyun's panicked voice, for some reason Jimin's heartbeat fastened, as he immediately make his way towards his brother and looked at him from head to toe.

"What happened? Did you hurt yourself? Is it something wrong?" Jimin asked as he checked his brother and sighed when he didn't find any injuries on him. "Ji Hyun, tell me." Jimin slightly shook his brother who shook his looking at his brother with sad expressions.

"Dr. Min Ho called." Jimin's heart dropped hearing Ji Hyun, his mind seems to freeze for some seconds and stopped working, The older omega gulped visibly as his knees started to shake and before he could asked the younger started. "He said, we have to hurry up with her surgery, she didn't have much time." Ji Hyun cried shaking his head, as he clung on his brother. "H-Hyung, we are loosing e-everything and there is nothing we can do a-about it." Jimin's heart clenched hearing his brother's painful cries, as he remained silent, his expressions is unreadable. "T-That's why I didn't want to l-live anymore, I can't live Hyung... Please Hyung save her, save Eomma." Ji Hyun wailed in his brother's arms, as he cried loudly. "Please Hyung, I beg you... Please do something." Ji Hyun begged his brother, as he is not in his senses, he knows it's not in their hands anymore, his brother can't do anything about it but still he did not know from what type of hell his brother has to cross to save his mother.

A tear slipped down from the elder omega brother's eyes, he patted Ji Hyun's back. He understands Ji Hyun's fear, fuck he himself is very scared about it, doctors have told him that even if they find a donar, the surgery is going to be risky.

He didn't know why suddenly all the misfortune turned towards his direction and fucking up with his life.

What the fuck just Moon Goddess wants from him?

"D-Don't worry, Hyung is here right? Hyung will do anything to save her." Jimin's voice cracked as he muttered hugging Ji Hyun, while himself silently crying. Ji Hyun shouldn't be worried, he supposed to take rest and take care of himself, he is still recovering but here he is all worried. "Let's go, first eat something, you need to take rest." Jimin mumbled dragging Ji Hyun with him towards dining table.

They ate in silence, mostly Ji Hyun as the latter seems still distress, his sour pheromones are surrounding them. Jimin tried to make conversation with his brother to distract him for overthinking but nothing works.

Later, after tucking Ji Hyun in bed Jimin decided to think what should do first and how to take things further, he talked to doctor Min Ho who is an mated Alpha is mother's doctor, the Alpha told him that they have to find heart donar as soon as possible and then have to prepare for surgery, even though she has 50% chance but Jimin will try his best what he can do to save her. The doctor told him that he is out of country for a surgery and they will talk briefly about it when he will come back after a week, thinking everything about his disturbed life Jimin too drifted into sleep.

Days rolls away, Saturday came too fast for Jimin's liking and He is ready and waiting for Lisa to pick him up after telling Ji Hyun about the event and warning him that he shouldn't wait for him and sleep early.

Soon, a fancy car pulled up in front of Jimin's house, he rushed outside when Lisa called him as they praises each other before she drove off towards the hospital.

Jimin didn't know anything about the N hospital where they are heading, Lisa has told him the name, and last night Jimin searched but didn't found much about the owners.

The car stopped after 25 minutes and Jimin breathed heavily, they both walked towards the entrance, for some reason Lisa pulled him closer leaving him shocked as he didn't reacted thinking it's just for some hours he didn't want to disappoint her more, and it's not like he felt uncomfortable, since he knows Lisa don't have any romantic feeling for him, so Jimin relaxed and walked calmly with Lisa.

In the morden period, Sub-Gender didn't matter anymore but still mostly Alpha show their dominance to others. And Lisa is also one of them, because first reason she is a female Alpha and second a rare breed, so of course she obviously show off her sub gender, by not using scent blockers so wolf should easily get the idea about her sub gender by her musky overpowering scent.

"Hello, Lisa." Jimin's ears perked up hearing a very familiar voice as he heard it after so long. His head snapped towards the voice and he also met with a very shocked face.

"Hello Hoseok." The owner and lisa greeted each other and Jimin looked at Hoseok with shocked eyes, his expressions Litt up as his eyes landed on the hoseok's mark on neck, somewhere he felt pity for himself thinking that he is still all alone and his most of the classmates are mated, but who's fault in this? Jimin can't even blame anyone for this.

He also bowed and greeted Hoseok as they walked inside, Jimin noticed there are most of the business who mostly always donates hospital's and orphanages, or some well known specialist from Korea.

Lisa greeted some buisness man, while he just bowed at everyone. The event wasn't too much fancy, Jimin is amazed how Hoseok keep everything normal.

Jimin who was curiously looking at everywhere his gaze stopped at somewhere or someone as he frozed on the spot.

Of course he would be here, they were friends since highschool after all, suddenly Jimin felt distress looking at the certain Alpha who is boring holes on Jimin's body just by looking at him.

Why does he seems angry? Jimin through to himself, but his thoughts cuts of as he felt Lisa's grip on his arm tightened.

Jimin felt uneasy as he looked at Lisa who smiled sweetly at him. "Did you see everyone has come here with a partner, so you better stick with me for some hours." She said playfully and Jimin threw a assuring smile at her.

Yes, everyone is here with a partner right? Jimin thought to himself as he thinks who is Jungkook's partner? Whom did Jungkook bought here since he hasn't heard any rumours about Alpha's affairs, he secretly glanced at the Alpha and now he noticed an Omega sitting beside him.

Little did he know, that the Alpha is fumming in anger and was about to take out on him.

To be Continued.

A/N : I wrote this chapter some time ago, but now I don't have any motivation to write further!

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A/N : I wrote this chapter some time ago, but now I don't have any motivation to write further!

Bye :)

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