43. Never letting go each other.

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☆.。.:* .。.:*☆

"Aunt Suzy told me that... that day in the hotel... You behaved against your will because you were drugged..." The Omega mumbled in the crook of the Alpha neck as they hugged each other's naked bodies tightly and under the blanket.

The Alpha took a shaky breath, he placed his lips on the omega's forehead for a brief moment as pulled the Omega away to look at him. the Omega whines as he again settled when the Alpha hid his face in the Omega's neck hugging him tightly. "Aunt is the one who drugged me... She wanted to trap me with another Omega but it ended up being you." The Alpha muttered.

"Why you are not doing anything about her?" The Omega asked through his gritted teeth, his Omega is furious inside him, thinking some bitch setting up his Alpha without his consent.

The Omega's scent burned, giving away his emotions. "She still wants to set me up with Yo Jung." The Alpha said tightening his grip around the Omega's torso as he nuzzled into his neck.

The Omega nails digging into the Alpha's naked skin without realising, as he muttered curses under his breath for his bitch Aunt.

"You should have throw her out." The Omega said angrily. "Umm... Does Yo Jung like you?" The Omega asked hesitantly nibbling on his lower lip.

The Alpha hummed sleepily, his warm breaths fanning over the Omega's neck making the Omega shivers. "Does it matter Omega? At the end I am here in your arms." The Omega inside Jimin growled hearing the Alpha, who is indeed right. "But... I am sorry the way I treated you-" The Omega shushed the Alpha pressing his lips against the Alpha's.

"Just know that I love you... I have always loved and want you. Maybe I deserve all of that for making your life a mess, Alpha." Jimin said rubbing his nose against the Alpha's.

"You did... Make my Alpha mess, I was going crazy after your rejection. I wanted to end those feelings but I couldn't... So I tried to take my life... Somehow Jin Hyung, Namjoon Hyung and Taehyung saved me... I fought with them after waking up in the hospital bed." The Omega sobbed hearing the Alpha. His Omega was clawing inside his chest. "Then, Aunt Suzy told me about mom's condition... I was angry at you and blame you for everything... I wanted to get you and lock you up against your will... I wanted to make your life miserable just like mine but my Alpha wouldn't allowed it. I was angry at Myself for even thinking like that... Then, My Alpha stopped responding... It was first when I tried to touch any other Omega... I puked over that Omega... My Alpha was distress... I tried again and the same thing happened... I told Namjoon Hyung about it, it took him some time and he found out that my wolf created a bond..." The Omega took a deep breath as he kissed the Omega's tears stained cheeks. "I tried to ignore you as much as I can, you are very intelligent and clever in buisness... Many of my buisness partners told me..." The Alpha chuckled as he said, the Omega hid his face in the Alpha's neck. "They recommended your name to me... My Alpha always snapped whenever I hear about you... I have to control myself. I never thought of meeting you." The Alpha wishpers caressing the Omega's face with his lips. "But when you stepped in front of me again after years... My Alpha growls and I know I had to do anything to keep you for myself."

"You should have done it years ago... You should have dragged me and locked me up with you... I-I regretted everything... I-I wanted to apologize but you never show up... I was stupid to believe in lies... I was so hurt knowing the person I used to trust the most had betrayed me... I was became a laughing stock for students." The Omega sniffles. "I tried to approach your friends... I wanted to adress or number so I can apologize but..."  Jimin hiccups.

"It's alright... We are together now... Everything will be fine." The Alpha comforted his mate, hugging him to his chest.

"Lock me up, but don't ever let me go, even if I say..." The Omega said looking at the Alpha who smiled at him making him heart skips few beats.

"You are already locked up in my arms and I am not letting you go anywhere. But I want to know something." The Alpha said looking at the Omega with serious expressions. "Why Lisa is close to you?" Jungkook asked as he possessively hold the Omega in his arms.

Jimin smiled sheepishly. "We are just friends... Well, she used to like me and proposed many times but I couldn't accept it when you are the only one in my heart. Other than that, she has helped me a lot with projects and for my mother's treatment... Even that day she approached me to tell me that she is trying to find a heart for my mother's surgery, Alpha. She is always kind towards me, you don't have to worry about her... You already have your claim on me." The Omega said sighing softly.

"Such a bastard Alpha she is... She was doing everything intentionally..." The Alpha mumbled through his gritted teeth.

The Omega frowned. "What do you mean?" What was she doing intentionally?" He asked.

"She is with Yo Jung... At Hoseok's hospital, I found them together when I was taking you away from there... I thought she is just messing around with you." Jimin's mouth opened in shock as he stared at the Alpha with wide eyes.

The Alpha's eyes darkened. "Why are you shocked? You don't want them together?" The Alpha asked frowning.

The Omega immediately shook his head. "I don't mean that... I am going to kill that bitch, she dared to hide it from me." He uttered as he pouted. "Even that day in the hospital she dare to flirt with me."

"What did she say?" The Alpha asked, his frown deepened.

"It doesn't matter, does it? That day when she pulled me closer She also told me that I am going to thank her later. But why should I thank her?" The Omega asked with a confuse pout.

The Alpha's gaze darkened as he smirked getting how Lisa tricked them in a good way. "You should indeed thank her, I will myself take you to meet her." The Alpha said sinking his fangs in the Omega's scent gland making him scream loudly. "How about another round." The Alpha said looking at the Omega who shook his head yet opened his legs for the Alpha.

"Be gentle or I am going to break." The Omega muttered lowly as he kissed the Alpha.

"We will see."

To be Continued.

A/N : How is it?

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A/N : How is it?

One more Long chapter and it's a wrap.

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