12. Cruel Alpha Jeon.

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Just as Lisa walked out of the restroom, she is being yanked away, a growl left from her throat as she is ready to rip some limbs whoever tried to cornered her. "What the fuck." She cursed loudly, but her anger soon subsided when her gaze met with frowning Yo Jung.

"Yeah, tell me what the fuck? Who is he? Your new omega or new chick?" Yo Jung asked obviously burning in jealousy, as she just wants to punch Lisa's beautiful face but she can't do that.

A smirk formed on Lisa's lips as she shrugged her shoulders. "Who knows, More than that." Lisa said unbothered, her nose twitch smelling Yo Jung's sour pheromones, but the smirk on her lips grew wider.

"More than that." Yo Jung mimicked Lisa under her breath, her breathing fastened, her fist clenched. "You know what, Go Fuck You, Fuck that Omega, Fuck Everyone." The Omega gritted her teeth.

A dry chuckle left between Lisa's lips. "Ah, I can do that, I don't need your permission for that." Lisa said playfully knowing very well how to get on Yo Jung nerves.

"Then, Fuck off." Yo Jung half-heartedly backed away from the Alpha as he turned around stomping his heels.

"And where the fuck you think you are going?" Shivers ran down to the Omega's spine hearing Lisa's Alpha voice as she gulped audibly before slowly turning around.


"I want you as my whore."

Just as those words left between the Alpha's lips, Jimin's stomach churned painfully, his Omega wimpered inside him. Anger bubbles up in him, he takes a step forward towards the Alpha, as if like things happened on their own before he knew what he was doing, A hard Slap landed on Jungkook's right cheek, the voice boomed in the restroom.

Jungkook's face slightly fell on the right side, his hand on his cheeks, the Alpha could feel his cheek sting painfully while he looked at the Omega with wide eyes.

Jimin gasped, shocked by his own actions, he didn't want to slap Jungkook but somewhere his wolf felt satisfied, still he took a step back when his eyes met with the Alpha's bloody red eyes. The Omega's wolf shivered, Jimin can feel his legs turned into jelly as he tried to keep himself on his feet.

The Alpha snarled at him showing his teeth, he alpha is growling at the Omega's shaking frame. Jungkook breathed heavily, before pointed his index finger towards Jimin. "You are coming with me. Right now." Jungkook stated gazing over Jimin's figure.

Jimin felt goosebumps all over his body, he omega shook inside. "No! I won't and just leave me alone." Jimin denied as he took a step towards the restroom door, but before he could take another step his body being held roughly by his waist and slammed into the nearby wall, Jimin let out a painful wimpered his lips woobled as he looked at Jungkook with his wide eyes.

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