26. The Sweet Memory.

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☆.。.:* .。.:*☆

"Jungkookie..." The Alpha's heart flipped hearing the Omega's of voice, he tried to fix his hair as his back is facing the Omega, his friends Eunwoo and Mingyu had a teasing grin on their expressions as they walked away from him while howling like a wild dogs. After fixing his tie Jungkook turned around.

There stood his favourite Omega on the earth, as usual slight smile on his pink plumpy lips, which lit up Jungkook's world every day, his wolf jump inside him. Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the Omega. Who just stood in the end of the hallway smiling brightly at the Alpha.

The Alpha adjusted his tie, before stopping in front of the Omega, as when the Omega's sweet scent filled his nostrils. "Umm... Jungkookie, I want to ask something." The Omega bit his lips shyly looking at the tall handsome Alpha, it's not many days passed when they lost their first kiss to each other, which was initiated by the Omega, who is behaving shy and sweet after that day.

They haven't talked about it, even though the Alpha is eager to know Jimin's intentions but he didn't wanted to pressure him or he wants to scare him away.  "Hmm?" The Omega felt shivers down his spine hearing the Alpha's voice.

"I want your help, if you are not busy." The Omega voices out, fiddling with his fingers nervously.

He didn't know why in front of this Alpha his knees always started trembling and his Omega just want to submit in front of the Alpha.

The Alpha battles with himself, he has always likes this Omega, but since Jimin has been interacting with him, his wolf is always on the edge whenever the Omega appeared on his sight.

"Jungkookie." The Alpha came out of his thoughts hearing Jimin's almost whining voice.

"What is it, Beautiful?" Again the sweet name, the Omega's heart thumped. His cheeks turned crimson red as his Omega squeals inside him.

"I-I... A-Alp-" Jimin gasped hearing himself, as he covered his mouth with his hands and looked at the Alpha with wide eyes who had the same shocked expressions as his.

Did Jimin just called him with his sub-gender?

The Alpha cleared his throat, loosening his tie a bit he observed the Omega's embarrassed expressions, the corner of his lip lifted upwards slightly for a second before it returned neutral. But the next words left from the Alpha mouth left both of them in utter shock. "It will be my honor, Omega."


"Thank you for agreeing Jungkookie, I asked Soo-Hyun but she is busy." The Omega pouted as he muttered lowly, it made the Alpha frown.

They both met at the school gate after they were done with their classes.

What is the use of a friend who cannot help you in times of need? The Alpha thought, he couldn't see the Omega sad.

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