34. Still Want You.

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A/N : Early Update!🥰

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A/N : Early Update!🥰

☆.。.:* .。.:*☆

"J-Jungkookie... I-I am s-sorry." The Omega wishpers softly, as he was sitting on the stool beside the Alpha's bed, holding his hand, he was crying and wishpering apologizies since Namjoon left him alone with the Alpha who is in deep slumber. "I don't think I deserve you... After everything I did to you... You still helped Ji Hyun... You saved us... I don't know how to face you after you will wake up... I hate myself, Jungkook... I hate myself." He caressed the Alpha's tattooed knuckles, his breath hitched nth time when he noticed the JM tattoo on the Alpha's ring finger, Jimin has to stop his breath for some seconds to stop the ugly sobs bubbling up in his throat, his heart broken into pieces, he placed his chapped lips on the Alpha's knuckles and closed eyes, crying silently, he felt like as if someone stabbed in his heart deeply.

He couldn't imagine how Jungkook felt all those years after not having any contact with his wolf, he felt when he tried to get any approval from his Alpha but didn't get any response.

"What should I do, Jungkookie... I was never a good son... I was never a good brother... And I was never the Omega you expected... I was a selfie and greedy bitch... I am sorry... I don't know if I deserve your forgiveness... I am sorry, Jungkookie... I hope you won't forgive me... I am sorry A-Alpha..."

He cried placing his head on the Alpha's chest, sniffling his sandalwood, that's when he realised the room was reaking in his sour vanilla scent. He wiped his tears as he breathed in Alpha's scent, since his Omega is affecting the Alpha, he tried to calm down himself and released calming pheromones for the Alpha.

"I am happy you got a friend like Namjoon Hyung... He is very kind. He said you can decide if I deserve you or not... But, if you ask me, after everything happens to you because of me... I don't think I deserve you Alpha." He sobs silently not wanting to wake up the Alpha, he placed his lips on the Alpha's neck... "What if I want to be selfish again? What if I want to be greedy again, Alpha... Even though I know I don't deserve you but... I hope you can forgive me cause... I Still Want You, Alpha... I love you... I have always loved you..."

After an hour, Namjoon came again to check on the Alpha, seeing the Omega's red cheeks and swollen eyes he knows the Omega has been crying.

"Jimin, Umm... Jin wants to meet you, if you are comfortable." The Omega tensed hearing the doctor, he has known Jin since Jungkook and Jin were friends for a long time, Jin was their senior and protective over the Alpha, he used to treat Jungkook like his younger brother Taehyung. And by their last meeting in Jungkook's office he knows the other Omega wasn't happy seeing him after years. "Only if you want Jimin." Namjoon softly smiled at the Omega sensing his hesitation.

Jimin looked at Jungkook's figure before asking. "What if he woke up..."

"I am here, beside I am waiting for him to wake up. I have to ask some questions to him and will scold him a little for being careless. Rest assured." Namjoon said giving Jimin a nod.

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