16. The wildest dream.

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☆.。.:* .。.:*☆

Warning : Murder🔪🤡

Jimin closed the door of his house as he leaned back on the door breathing heavily, his heart thumping wildly against his chest, as he tried to control his breathing.

What the fuck just happened?

Somewhere in his heart he knows why Jungkook was so desperate for taking that fucking piece of clothe, but still he gave false excuses to his heart.

No, Jungkook didn't take his coat back because it was drenched in his slick. It can't be the reason.

Oh, god he shouldn't have given it to him. Jimin whines stomping his feet on the floor as he walks towards the living room with his sweet scent mixed with Sandalwood.

"Hyung, You are back!" The older omega flinched hearing his brother's voice, straightening his clothes and combing his hair with his fingers he tried to look presentable and calm himself down in front of his younger brother.

Jimin cleared his throat. "Yeah, I-I am back... Why are you still awake?" Jimin asked a little bit worried, as he also thought what if Ji Hyun noticed his mixed up change, he gulps while walking towards his brother.

Ji Hyun's nose twitched as he sniffed the new scent briefly which is coming from Jimin, it wasn't light, and Ji Hyun can tell it's an Alpha's and it's very familiar. "Hyung..." He hurriedly walked towards his brother and sniffed him.

Jimin's eyes widened as he tried to push Ji Hyun away but it was too late.

A known smirk formed on Ji Hyun's face. "You were with Jungkook Hyung." It wasn't a question but a statement, Jimin tensed as he bit his lower lip. Of course he has thought of mating and having pups but not like this, he didn't want to mate at the time when his mother is fighting for her life and Ji Hyun is sick and stressed, everything is messed up. His life is messed up. He didn't know how to tell Ji Hyun about it, what will his brother think of him? Will he think that his brother is selfish, he wants to mate and leave him alone to fight with this cruel world? Will he think he is being greedy again just like his past self?

Jimin shook his head unconsciously.

"-ung, Hyung?" His thoughts cut off by Ji Hyun who shook his arm lightly. "What happened?" Ji Hyun frowned.

"Eh... I want to tell you something, but first tell me if you have your dinner?" Jimin asked carefully, but his brother still has the teasing expressions on his face.

He knows what this brat is thinking. Oh Moons save me from him and that devil.

Ji Hyun nodded his head, too eager to hear from Jimin what he wanted to tell.

"Hmm... Go to your room, I will come after freshening up." Ji Hyun pouted but nonetheless nodded his head walking towards the stairs like a kicked out puppy.

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