18. Good Boy...

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☆.。.:* .。.:*☆

A deep blush crept up to his cheeks as he remembered his last night talk with the Alpha.

He shouldn't have called that pervert man in the late night.

Restless omega tapped on his phone screen and called the unsaved number he had without looking at the clock.

The phone rang, rang, rang-

Realisation Hits him like a truck, as he remembered how he slicked up on the Alpha's lap, when his mind worked somewhat, he was about to hang up the phone when the phone was picked up.

The Omega's heart hammering against his chest, eyes widened.

Cut! His mind screamed at him, but the inside Wolf's has other plans.

He heard soft breathing and shuffle from the other line, his worry subsided a little, but heart rate is increasing for some reasons. He bit his lower lip as he squeezed himself on the single couch hearing the Alpha's calm breaths, he was thinking what excuse he-

"Fuck..." The heartbeat accelerated more hearing the Alpha cursed, 'is he cursing me?' Thought Jimin. "What is it?" The Alpha, Jimin frowned , can't say if he is angry or it's his normal tone.

"Umm... I- eh." Jimin's tongue stumbled as he still didn't able to think any excuse. He was about to make silly excuses that's when the Alpha spoke again.

"What? Already missing me?" Heat rushed up to the Omega's cheeks as Jimin choked on literally nothing. What the fuck? Is he out of his mind. "Well, I don't have all the time in the world, tell me why you called... I have to wash my Jeans the smell is all over in my room." The Omega's heart flipped, wolf jumped in happiness. He can tell the bastard is smirking on the other side, he just wants to punch him on the face.

"I-I... I am sorry for that." The Omega stuttered. Why the fuck he is saying sorry in the first place when it's clearly that bastard's fault? Jimin questioned himself.

"I want my coat." The Alpha said and Jimin frowned, didn't he return it already.

"But, I return you in the car." Jimin replied still frowning.

"The other one... Well, may I know the reason for the disturbance?" Even though the Alpha didn't sound annoyed, still Jimin gulped as he tried to come with any excuse.

"I...umm can you give me some time." Jimin uttered hesitantly knowing well, Jungkook will never agree with him.

"For what?" The Alpha asked calmly making Jimin sigh.

"Can I move away later, I have some personal matters to solve, it's really important, please try to understa-"

"I am coming to get you right now." Jungkook cuts him off, the Omega Panicked, he cursed himself when he heard another shuffling from other side.

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