36. Trying to win his heart again.

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It's been two days since Jungkook got discharged from the hospital, it wasn't easy for Jimin to make the Alpha stay at home for two days, if you would ask Jimin will answer it was the toughest task he has done in a while, making puppy eyes every minute and pouting in front the Alpha who always glares at you wasn't easy but somehow Jimin managed. The day the Alpha comforted him in the gym the Omega has promised to himself that he will try to win the Alpha's heart back no matter what and Jimin has started doing it from the moment the Alpha had comforted him. Jimin didn't know if he deserves the Alpha or not but in last few days he has known that the Alpha wants him, even after everything. The Alpha wants him, he has felt in the Alpha's soft touches and he knows he also wants his Jungkookie back so Jimin has decided he will try his best to win the Alpha's heart back.

Jimin was happy when the Alpha stayed at the home, but still working from his office which is on the second floor and no one is allowed there other than Aunt Suzy, Jimin was disappointed but he couldn't do anything other than frowning and being grumpy, then Aunt Suzy insisted the Alpha to take some rest after seeing the Omega a little bit stressed. Jimin helped Aunt Suzy in the kitchen making breakfast, lunch and dinner for the Alpha by himself, the couple didn't talk a lot and Jimin understood the Alpha's reasons, maybe the Alpha is bitter towards him but at every night the Alpha converted into a beast to rail the Omega gently and Jimin didn't realise when two days passes in the presence of the Alpha.

Jimin pouted as he watched the Alpha walking around in the room to get his things as he was all ready to go for his work, so eager to leave the house and Jimin can understand his excitement Aunt Suzy told Jimin that it was the first time she saw the Alpha take leave from his work in some years. "I made you breakfast." He mumbled sadly fiddling with his fingers as he bit his lips.

Hearing Jimin's small voice the Alpha stopped, he looked back at Jimin with his round eyes and Jimin's heart almost burst in affection. "I will be there in a minute." The Alpha replied giving him a nod as he turned back again towards the dressing room to get something again.

Jimin sighed heavily as he walked in the dressing room, where the Alpha is, who was facing the full length mirror of their dressing table. Without thinking much, he stopped behind him and circled his arms around the Alpha's torso, burying his nose in his clothed back, he sniffed deeply, sandalwood filled his senses as the Alpha still hasn't used the scent blockers, his own scent sweetened.

Jimin was so lost in the movement, he was enjoying the Alpha's warmth and comforting scent that's when he realised the Alpha being frozen in his place since he has locked his fingers around the Alpha's waist. Nuzzling in the Alpha's back for the last time, he removed his arms around the Alpha's waist and took a step back. "I will be waiting on the breakfast table." The Omega muttered biting his lower lip as he looked down quickly when their gazes met through the mirror. He turned around and was about to take a step, a gasp left between his lips when he was being pulled back and pinned in the mirror. He looked at the Alpha with wide eyes, who instantly dived to capture his lips taking the Omega by surprise, as he squeals in the Alpha's mouth.

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