That Ghoul!

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Chapter Five!

That Ghoul!

September 2020 - The Los Angeles Ministry

Albany had been spending sometime with her Father's former ghoul Phil, his arranged duties at the Ministry had turned into more than one week. He had taken his ghoul kin into hand like he had been ordered by the Clergy, but the new generation of ghouls weren't like his former bandmates from the sixties. Their behaviour was unruly, they showed no respect for their newest Papa Emeritus. He was at his wits end with their mischievous ways, but he still had a few more tricks up his sleeve to try and make them fall into line.

Phil had prepared some breakfast for Albany this morning between his duties, he had baked strawberry pastries and sliced different fruits for the fruit platter. The coffee pot was full and the table had been laid out for two people, there was a vase of flowers in the middle of the table. Phil's kind gesture was welcoming, his breakfast preparation reminded Albany of her childhood. She had missed having him around, she was getting use to his presence at the Ministry. Turning a page in the newspaper Albany was waiting for Copia to join her for breakfast, he was running late this morning. She took a sip of her coffee and a bite of her strawberry pastry while she flicked through the Los Angeles Times, they still had a prescription of Papa Nihil's favourite newspaper delivered to the unholy church. The news reports and other topics weren't peaking her interest, it was all doom and gloom outside of the unholy church. 

Sister Imperator had regular contact with Copia, she was still isolating from the unholy church. They continued to facetime, there had been the odd occasion where they both watched movies together while they were communicating over the telephone. Albany had witnessed their over the phone movie nights, they mostly watched classic horror movies and crime documentaries. It was sweet how they managed to spent time together even if the were miles apart. Sister was hoping they would be reunited by Krampus, she was missing her little Cardi. 

Albany had also spoken with her superior in private, she wanted some advice about the letter she had received from Phil. The letter contained Papa Nihil's Last Will and Testament, she was unsure if it was real since she was told that her Father hadn't written a Will by the higher ranking members of the Clergy. Sister Imperator was intrigued by this mysterious letter from Nihil's former ghoul, she herself was unaware of a written Will from the late Papa Emeritus. Sister immediately asked for a copy of the letter and Will, she was curious about it's contents. Albany's superior told her that she would seek legal advice on her behalf, she wanted to make sure it wasn't a hoax. If it was real Albany would be receiving some of her Father's assets, she may be sitting on a little fortune if she was lucky. Footsteps entering the kitchen disturbed Albany's thoughts, she smiled when she saw Copia approaching the table. His hands soon slipped over his lover's shoulders, he kissed the top of her head before he reached for her coffee cup. He drank some of her coffee and placed the cup back on it's saucer, his voice broke the silence of the room. 

" Good morning, baby." He said.

" Good morning." She said.

" It's safe to be in here, right?" He asked.

" Phil isn't here, he's elsewhere." She replied.

" Okay, cool." He said.

" Come and have some coffee with me." She said before she patted the empty chair next to her. " The pot is still hot, there's some breakfast pastries and fruit if you're hungry."

" I may do that, but I have already had breakfast with my rats this morning." He said while he pulled the chair away from the table. " It's been days since we've had some privacy together."

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