The European Tour

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Chapter 21!

The European Tour

April  2022 - The Los Angeles Ministry 

The next month passed by quickly at the unholy church, the employees and Clergy members had been working hard since Papa Emeritus IV return. Song rehearsals had taken place at the Ministry, there had been last minute uniform changes to the ghouls and ghoulettes ritual attire. The Clergy's plans were set in motion, they had arranged every part of the tour in detail. The next part of the Imperatour began on the 9th of April, the bands equipment had been shipped out to the United Kingdom a few days ago.

Albany was in her dorm room packing her suitcase and hand luggage, she would be accompanying Copia and her Father on the upcoming European Tour. There was still paperwork and emails to be completed while the newest Papa Emeritus was touring Europe, his workload would be managed between his rituals. A knock at the door caught her attention, she soon called out to whoever was lingering in the hallway.

" Come on in!" She said.

The door opening she was greeted by a familiar face, it was Copia. Albany smiled at her lover and beckoned him to enter, she was unsure why he was visiting her when he should still be in a meeting with Sister Imperator. Her her gaze returned to the pile of folded clothes on her bed, she still had many things she needed to sort out before they left the Ministry. A smile crept across her features when she felt Copia's hands slipping around her waist, his body pressing against her own she lightly kissed his cheek. Leaning back into him she breathed in his scent, she didn't mind that he was interrupting her packing. His voice soon broken the silence between them, his speaking tone was filled with affection for his lover. 

" Hello, baby." He said.

" Hello, Copia." She said, her gaze returned to her suitcase. " Have you finished packing? I can help you if you want, I'm almost done here."

" My luggage is already packed, it's okay. Sister is double checking my stage attire, she's made sure my passport and other documents are in my travel bag." He said while his gaze lowered towards the suitcase in front of them. " Can I help you with your packing?"

" You could get my nightwear for me, it's in the top draw of my dresser." She replied.

" I can do that, it's no trouble!" He said.

Albany glanced at Copia when he left her side, she continued sorting out her clothes she would need on her lover's tour. They would be travelling around Europe until the 18th of May, she was unsure what the weather would be like since it was always sunny in Los Angeles. Her thoughts were interrupted when Copia placed a pile of her silky nightdresses in her suitcase, he looked pleased with what he had chosen. Albany took one of her silk nightdresses from the suitcase and held it against herself, she should have known that her lover would choose what he desired for her to wear while they were on tour. Her gaze lowered towards his hand, she watched his finger tips playing with the lace trim of the naughty little number. She knew that her lover's mind was elsewhere, the lustful expression on his features was telling her that he was daydreaming about their past sinful deeds. Clearing her throat Albany caught his attention, his mismatched eyes were soon upon her. 

" I can't wear this on the tour bus, the ghouls may get a glimpse of my butt cheeks." She said.

" I don't mind sharing the wealth." He said.

" Copia, no. I'm not going to become some kind of peep show for the ghouls!" She said in an amused tone. " Go and get my sensible pajamas, these naughty little numbers wouldn't survive the tour with your wandering hands."

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