Los Angeles

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Chapter 25!

Los Angeles

24th of May 2022 - Los Angeles

The second part of the Imperatour was now complete, the newest Papa Emeritus was on a flight back to Los Angeles. The ghouls and ghoulettes were travelling by a private aircraft owned by the Clergy alongside the corpse of Papa Nihil, the tour bus was being transported back to America by cargo. The journey from Europe to America was fourteen hours long by aircraft, it wouldn't be an easy flight for some of the Clergy employees with the mischievous antics of the ghouls plaguing them before they had even boarded their flight.

Albany was gazing out of the porthole of the aeroplane, the views from her seat were breathtaking. The lights of Los Angeles could be seen in the distance, they were almost at the airport. The last few days had been relaxing, the nights and days she had spent with Copia had been magical. Their workload had been minimal, they had time to explore Budapest and enjoy each others company away from the prying eyes of Clergy employees. It had been a nice way to end the Imperatour, but the flight back home for Copia had been restless.

Copia had been pacing the aisle of the aircraft, he was mumbling to himself and taking many bathroom breaks throughout the fourteen hour flight. He had tried to sleep, but a crying child had kept him awake. The packet of peanuts he had been trying to open had showered himself and his lover, their in-flight meal of spaghetti with garlic bread hadn't been editable. Albany had tried her best to entertain him with puzzle books and guessing games, but he hadn't been in a good mood since they left Hungary. The creaking of the seat next to her caught Albany's attention, her lover was fidgeting yet again. Resting her head against the seat's headrest she watched him silently for a moment, she was curious about his unsettled behaviour.

" Penny for your thoughts?" She asked.

" I have no pennies to give right now." He said.

" Do you need something?" She asked

" No." He replied.

" What's wrong?" She asked, her hand slipped over his forearm. " Why are you fidgeting? Are you feeling unwell? I can ask one of the air hostesses for something if your stomach is feeling unsettled." 

" My stomach is fine." He said.

" Talk to me, Copia." She said before she gently turned his face towards her gaze. " You've been moody since we left Hungary. As something happened? It's got nothing to do with Papa, right? I know how venomous his can be at times." 

" I don't want to go home yet, I've had too much fun on the tour." He said.

" Back to reality with a bump, huh?" She asked.

" More like there will be a big pile of paperwork waiting for me when I get home." He replied, his fingers curled around her hand. " Mr Saltarian called me before we boarded the flight, he plans to visit me tomorrow at the Ministry. He says I need to prepare for some training." 

" What kind of training?" She asked.

" I'm not sure yet, but it doesn't sound fun." He said.

" It's probably some work related training, I wouldn't worry about it too much." She said.

" I still don't like it!" He sighed.

" Awww, it's okay." She said while her chin rested against his shoulder. " Let me cheer you up, okay?"

" Are you planning on letting me join the mile high club?" He asked.

" Wait, what?" She said before she playfully slapped his arm. " No way!" 

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