A New Year, A New Routine

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Chapter Ten!

A New Year, A New Routine

1st of January 2021- The Los Angeles Ministry  

The chimes of midnight echoed throughout the unholy church, the New Year had finally arrived. The Clergy and Sister Imperator were hoping that this year was going to be the start of something sinster, but the plague that kept the world on it's knees was still keeping the newest Papa Emeritus at the Ministry.

Copia and Albany had decided that they wanted to bring in the year of 2021 differently this year, it was the first time they wouldn't have the company of others since they were still in lockdown. They hadn't planned a party with the ghouls or a date night in the family lounge, they had decided that a playful night in Albany's dorm room would be more fun when the Ministry's lights went out. They had lit tea candles and incense sticks, there was a vase of fresh red roses on the bedside cabinet. The lights in the dorm room had been dimmed, the bedsheets were clean and fresh. The mood was romantic, but someone hadn't arrived just yet.

Albany was patiently waiting for her lover while she tidied away some pieces of a board game they had been playing, he had gone to freshen up in his own room not long after they had shared a New Year's kiss. She had already showered and changed into something more comfortable, their night was going to be filled with pleasurable acts. The red silk nightdress Copia had brought her for Krampus with a little lacey surprise beneath it is what she had chosen to wear, she knew how to rev his engine. A gentle knock at the door caught her attention, she immediately approached it and opened the door wide. She was greeted by a familiar face, it was Copia. He was still wearing his red tracksuit, but the scent of his cologne drifted through the doorway. Her voice soon filled the hallway, she was unaware if anyone was around at this hour to hear them.

" I was beginning to wonder where you were." She said before she stepped to one side. " I thought I was going to have to come and find you. Maybe send out a ghoul search party for you."

" I got waylaid, I went to drop the kids off at the pool." He said, his finger tips came together while he leaned close towards her. " But I'm here now, the search is over." 

" Thank you for sharing that unwanted information with me." She said in an amused tone. " Come on in Copia, I've been waiting for you."

" Okay, cool." He said.

Copia entered the room and walked towards the dressing table, he removed his leather gloves and placed them down on the side. Albany closed and locked the door, she didn't want anyone gatecrashing their cosy night together. Leaning back against the door she watched her lover removing his shoes, his socks remained on since he liked it that way. Their gaze soon met while she approached him, her hands gliding up his chest their lips collided. Lust soon took over, their hands began to wander. A couple of perfume bottles toppled over on the dressing table when Copia sat her upon it, her thighs parting she allowed him access to what lay between her legs. She smiled into their kissed while they continued to embrace their passionate encounter, her lover's fingers immediately began to work their magic. Albany's grip tightened over his forearms when she felt his hand slipping inside of her underwear, she softly moaned and rested her forehead against his shoulder. The waves of pleasure tickled her internally, her breathing faltered when she ran her hands up his arms. Their gaze met when she caressed his face, she whispered her desires to him.

" Take me now..." She whispered. 

" Not yet, baby." He said before his lips brushed against her thumb. " We still have things to do before I tickle you even more."

" You big tease!" She smiled.

" I know, I know." He said.

A chuckle escaped Copia's lips when Albany pushed her hands against his chest, she slipped from the dressing table and removed her lover's tracksuit hoody without any hesitation. She threw it on the floor and guided him backwards towards the bed, her gaze remainded on her lover while she forced him to lie down before her. Copia didn't fight her demands, he allowed her to dominate him. Albany straddle him and rested her hands on either side of his shoulders, she could feel his arousal poking into her inner thigh. She smiled down at him while her hands gripped at the bedsheets, they shared a passionate kiss before she spoke. 

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