A Nightmare Revisited.

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Chapter 29!

A Nightmare Revisted 

31th of October 2022- The Los Angeles Ministry

Writer's Note: Some may recognise the theme of this chapter, I thought a little aftermath of The Big Plushie Nightmare would be fun to write.


The hallways of the Ministry were decorated with orange and green paper chains, the white candelabras lamps glowed red. The scent of sweet incense drifted throughout the unholy church, a couple of lit carved pumpkins sat in a dark doorway. Paper bats and spiders hung from most of the stain glass windows, the unholy church was showing it's true face. It was late in the evening, the Clergy employees were winding down. The working day was now over, but the night was just beginning. The spooky hour was yet to come, it was time to greet All Hallows' Eve.

Albany had helped Sister with the unholy night of events, there had been many things to do before the chimes of midnight rang out throughout the Ministry. Alcoholic fruity punch, spooky music, games and conversations between employees had been delightful. The ghouls and ghoulettes had joined in with pumpkin carving, they had taken part in a peculiar apple bobbing game with their own rules. The spooky buffet had gone down a treat, the soiree Sister had planned was running smoothly.

Copia had been mingling with Clergy members, his Papa duties continued at the soiree. He was dressed in his papal robe and his face was painted, his mitre was upon his head. Sister Imperator had decided last minute that everybody should attend in something formal, she didn't want cat ears and devil horns greeting his dark excellency to the Los Angeles Ministry. 

Albany had remained at her Father's side, he wanted his youngest child close in case he needed her assistance. He had spoken with many old connections from the Italian Ministry, the guest list had been international this year. Mr Saltarian soon joined Papa Nihil, their conversation about training Copia and increasing his workload had caused Albany's mind to wander. Taking a sip of her fruity punch her gaze explored the hallway, she recognised a few of the guests from the different departments around the unholy church. A smile crept across her features when she noticed Copia standing with Sister, he was eating a slice of pumpkin pie. His superiors were busy discussing Clergy business, he didn't look like he was paying much attention. Slicing his delicious treat with his fork he accidentally flicked some of his dessert onto the floor, his gaze wandered around the hallway before he kicked it towards one of the other guests. Their gaze soon met, he waved his fingers at his lover. She returned his greeting with a finger wave of her own, but her Father's voice caught her attention when he said her name more than once.

" Albany!" Papa said.

" Yes, Papa?" Albany asked.

" Were you listening to me?!" Papa asked.

" Of course, Papa." Albany replied.

" Then what did I say?" Papa asked.

" Erm, can you please repeat what you said?" Albany asked.

" Go and get something to eat." Papa said.

" But I'm not hungry right now..." Albany said.

" What Mr Nihil meant was we need to discuss something in private." Mr Saltarian said, his gaze was intimidating. " Now would be a great moment for you to leave."

" Oh..." Albany said.

" Go and have a slice of pumpkin pie, there's only fifteen minutes left until midnight." Papa said.

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