Cluedo At The Ministry

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Chapter Nine!

Cluedo At The Ministry

25th December 2020- The Los Angeles Ministry  

The faint sound of festive music could be heard throughout the unholy church, the scent of cinnamon and apple drifted down the many hallways. Krampus Day had finally arrived at the Ministry, but the hallways remained still since the Clergy were elsewhere for the unfestive season this year. 

Albany had woken up just before 7am, she showered and got changed while Copia slept. She didn't want to disturb him, he had been up for most of the night preparing sixty-eight little Krampus food parcels of popcorn and cheese for his rats. He did the same thing every year for his rats, it was sweet how he doted over his beloved pets. Albany had already given him her gift last night, she had brought him a gourd calabash pipe that blowed bubbles. Copia's reaction had amused her deeply, he had told her that it would definitely bring him luck when they played Cluedo with the ghouls tonight. 

Albany had left Copia sleeping in her dorm room, she wanted to start preparing lunch for the unfestive day. She had already decorated the kitchen table and laid out two plates with wine glasses, the candles remained unlit for now. The Krampus pancakes with raspberry sauce were being kept warm in the oven for her lover, she had already eaten her breakfast while she stired the cheesy chicken tortellini. Copia didn't join her in the kitchen until just after 9am, but this company was more than welcome while she slaved over a hot stove. 

Albany chatted with Copia while he drank his coffee and ate his pancakes, she told him about past Krampus season traditions her Father use to have at the Italian Ministry. One tradition caused a chuckle from her lover, she had told him about how Papa Nihil made his Sons wear red underwear on New Years Eve. It was meant to bring a successful upcoming year, she suggested they should both try this tradition since next year was still uncertain. A visited from La Befana had peaked Copia's interest, he had also received candy and coal in his end of season stocking when he was a child from Sister Imperator. It wasn't long until lunch was ready to be served, they soon gathered around the kitchen table. Albany continued to speak about old tradition whilst they ate their meal and drank their wine, they were enjoying their first Krampus together without their superiors at the Ministry. Taking a sip of her wine Albany placed her glass down and leaned back against her chair, her hands resting on her stomach she felt full. 

" I think I've eaten too much..." She said, her gaze met with her lover's mismatched eyes. " I think I've prepared too much food this year, it's hard just cooking for two people when there's normally four." 

" True that, but it was still very good." He said.

" Thank you." She said.

" Come now, let's put the leftovers away." He said before he pulled his chair away from the table. " I will make us some coffee, then you can put your feet up for the afternoon and enjoy a slice of panettone."

" That's a nice thought, but I've still got to prepare the cherry eggnog." She said with a sigh. " Not to mention the appetisers, the chips and dips. Luckily Sister sent us a tin of chocolate mostaccioli for Krampus, that's one thing ticked off my list I guess."

" That's good to hear, but I still haven't given you my Krampus gift yet." He said.

" I told you didn't have to buy me anything." She said.

" You brought me something, it's only fair." He said.

" It was just a gourd calabash pipe that blows bubbles, it didn't cost much." She said.

" Hush now, it's time for me to spoil you." He said. 

Albany watched Copia getting to his feet, he then took a silver gift bag from beneath his chair before he approached his lover. He held it towards her, she took it from his hand and peered into the bag. There was white tissue paper hiding something from her sight, she pulled it away and revealed it's contents. She was surprised to find a red silky nightdress with a black lace trim, she took it from the bag and held it against herself. Albany had almost forgotten that Copia had torn her silky nightdress in the heat of their passion, he had gotten over excited when she whispered the word " Daddy." into his ear in the middle of their lovemaking. Their gaze soon met, he was watching his lover closely. Albany immediately kissed his cheek and turned her attention back towards the nightdress, she was surprised that he had remembered to replace it.

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