Times Of Change

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Chapter Thirteen! 

Times Of Change. 

September 2021 - The Beverly Hills Plaza Hotel And Spa

Albany was sitting by herself outside on the balcony, she was getting some fresh air. Her gaze was focused on the outdoor swimming pool, the ripples on it's surface were calming. The hotel was peaceful and lit up with golden lights, there was hardy anybody around at this hour. The night she and her lover had planned had soured, they had much to discuss since Copia had made a life changing decision without her knowledge.

They had sat and spoken until the early hours of the morning, their conversation had caused Albany to become upset when it suddenly became heated without any warning. Copia had snapped at her when she mention that Sister Imperator had inference his decision, his Motherly figure had put some pressure on him from what she had overheard at the beach house. What surprised her the most was Copia thought that she wouldn't even notice the changes to his face, she didn't understand why he thought she wouldn't notice that he'd had plastic surgery. He had immediately apologised to her when he noticed her falling tears, he now regretted not being truthful with his lover. Albany would have supported Copia if he had told her about his decision from the beginning, she felt deceived that he had kept it to himself for months. She was also surprised to learn that Sister Imperator had also gone under the knife, it seemed like the Clergy had arranged an offer she couldnt refuse. There was still things Albany was curious about, but she knew that some of her questions would remain unanswered since she wasn't important like her superiors. 

Albany attention was caught by a gentle knocking on the door frame, her gaze was met by a familar pair of mismatched eyes. Copia waved his fingers at her and asked if he could join her, she gave him a nod of her head. He soon approached his lover, she moved over for him on the couch and pulled her knees to her chest when he sat down beside her. His arm slipping around her torso Albany rested her head against his shoulder, she was still trying to process why the Clergy had decided to change her lover's appearance. It would take her sometime to get use to his new features, but he was still the man she adored on the inside. A smile crept across her features when his fingers entwined with her own, he kissed the top of her head before he spoke.

" Hello, baby." He said.

" Hello, Copia." She said.

" Are you feeling better?" He asked, his gaze lowered in her direction. " Would you like me to order you some room service? They do a very good toasted cheese sandwich here."

" It's a little bit late for toasted cheese sandwiches." She said, her gaze met with his own. " I may end up having weird dreams."

" True that, how about some coffee?" He asked.

" Coffee sounds good." She replied.

" Okay, listen..." He said, his speaking tone was sincere and loving. " Why don't you go and take a long hot shower while I make us some coffee, there's a clean bathrobe in the bathroom. Then we can get into bed and watch some morning television until we get tired. How does that sound?"

" That sounds nice." She replied.

" Then when the evening comes I will wine and dine you just like I promised. We can have our meal on the balcony, it's going to be a nice night." He said before he wiped some dry mascara away from her cheek. " You can order anything you want, we don't even have to drink wine tonight."

" We could have one of your other favourite meals beside Chinese food. Four cardons of Juicy Juice and cheesy pasta with garlic bread, extra cheesy." She said with a slight smile. "  Unless you want something soft to eat in case your jaw is still sore..."

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