Back To Business

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Chapter Fourteen!

Back To Business

December 2021 - The Los Angeles Ministry

The next couple of months passed by quickly, the Los Angeles Ministry's doors were finally opened to it's employees. They still had to take precautions due to the ongoing situation beyond the unholy church, but things inside this sinister place were ticking over nicely.

Papa Emeritus IV had taken his rightful place within the Ministry, he had been given an office on the second floor over looking the mausoleum grounds. Copia was adjusting to his new given position and duties, but he was enjoying the authority that came with his Papa role. Sister Imperator had returned to the unholy church, she was guiding and supporting her prodigy throughout his working days. The Clergy had allowed Albany to become Copia's clerk, she had taken up the role she had been assigned with Papa Nihil.

The day was running smoothly, there was a few more hours left until the working day had been completed. Albany was busy typing up invoices and making sure the work diary was up to date with her Papa's future appointments for the next few days, he had an hectic work schedule ahead of him. Closing one file she took another from the pile, but she soon stopped what she was doing when she noticed she had the wrong folder. She began to search through the inbox tray, but the files she seeked were missing.

" Oh no!" She muttered.

Albany got to her feet and went through each file from the inbox, there was no sign of the burial accounts. Her gaze wandered around her desktop, she sat back down and checked every draw at her desk. Panic soon set in, she had no idea where they had gone. Someone clearing their throat from behind her caught her attention, her gaze was met by a face she was beginning to adore. Copia was standing not far away from her desk, he was watching his lover closely with a curious expression on his face. He waved his fingers at her before he approached the desk, his voice was soon heard.

" What are you looking for, baby?" He asked.

" The burial accounts." She replied while she went through some other files on her desk. " I could have sworn I left those files on my desk this morning, they need signing and delivering to the financial institution by this evening."

" Maybe you misplaced them, it happens sometimes." He said.

" I'll be misplaced if I don't fine them, they're really important!" She sighed.

" Okay, okay! Listen, listen..." He said, he slipped his hands over her shoulders and tried to calm her down. " Take a few deep breaths and relax, it's okay. Now why don't you retrace your steps and check the filing cabinets again. They couldn't have gotten too far, it's not like the files spouted legs and ran out of my office."

" You shouldn't say that with the ghostly incidents still going on around the Ministry..." She said before she glanced at her lover. " But you're right, they couldn't have gotten too far."

" You know I'm right, Albany." He said with a reassuring smile. " You need to not get stressed out over your new position, it's okay. I'm not stern like the old guy. Now breath, it's okay."

Albany took some calming breaths while her fingers slipped over her lover's hand, he tendely kissed the top of her head. Her new position with Copia was a little different from her old role with Papa Nihil, the workload was more serious since he was the frontman for the Clergy. Copia brushed some of her dark hair over her ear before he began walking towards his office, he told her not to worry about the files. His relaxed attitude was reassuring, but she knew the Clergy wouldn't agree with him. Getting to her feet she checked through the filing cabinet, she flicked through the folders and read the divided labels in turn. She let out of sigh of relief when she finally found the burial accounts, they must have gotten put back with the chapel insurance files. Albany took the files from the draw and checked through them, but her lover's voice soon caught her attention.

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