Another City, Another Country

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Chapter 22!

Another City, Another Country 

19th April 2022 - Cologne, Germany 

Sister Imperator's new frontman had wowed the fans of the United Kingdom, his sucess was reaping the benefits for the Clergy. Their plans and preparations over the last year were finally playing out the way they desired, their idea of introducing Papa Nihil and his old songs to the rituals had gained more popularity for their satanic band. 

Albany was enjoying seeing the sights and sounds of the different cities they visited around Europe, her time away from the Los Angeles Ministry was enjoyable. She hadn't had much time to explore some of the cities due to the band's limited time, but it didn't help much that Papa Nihil always decided to follow her whenever she wanted to leave the tour bus for a moment of peace. He had left the tour bus more than once, his ghostly form could now possess his deceased corpse beyond his planned appearances between the rituals. The elderly Papa had caused many embarrassing moments on the tour so far, it's seemed like these moments weren't going to end anytime soon.

The pouring of the coffee maker disturbed the silence of the tour bus, it was just after 9am. Albany was making some coffee for herself and her lover, they had a mornings worth of paperwork to complete before tonight's ritual. It was the only part of the day they had where they wouldn't be disturbed, the ghouls and ghoulettes were fast asleep in their bunks. Copia was sitting at the tour buses kitchen table, he was going through some contracts for the venue his satanic band were performing at tonight. Albany soon joined him and placed a cup of coffee far away from his paperwork, she didn't want anymore mishaps or ruined documents before her Father woke from his slumber. Sitting across from her lover Albany took a sip of her hot beverage while she went through an email from Sister Imperator on her laptop, her workload was more mangable since they weren't in an office environment. The atmosphere was more relaxed on the tour bus, they didn't really have a deadline to complete their paperwork like back at the Ministry. Albany began to reply to the email, but her lover's foot playing her own caught her attention. Copia's features were curious, his voice broken the silence between them.

 " Albany, can I ask you something?" He asked.

" Sure, what's up?" She asked.

" Would you like to go on a little tour of Cologne this morning?" He asked.

" Do we have enough time before your ritual?" She asked.

" We can spare an hour or two, it's okay." He replied.

" And what about Papa?" She asked while she rested her chin on her hand. " You do remember we had to take him with us when we had that little tour of London before we travelled to Scotland, he'll want to tag along again."

" Don't remind me about that, he tooted on that tour bus..." He said.

" At least it was an open top tour bus, the tour guide did blame the smell on River Thames even though we knew otherwise." She replied with a soft sigh. " Not to mention we almost left his body in Paris, it's a good job you've got such an amazing crew. If they hadn't noticed Sister would have been furious."

" Kevin is cool, I know." He said.

" The ghouls really need to stop trying to hide his casket, but it's understandable with his behaviour towards them lately on the tour bus." She said.

" Pops is a dickhead, it's expected when he's got no brain activity." He said.

" Be nice, he's still my Father!" She smiled.

" True that, but that can't be helped." He said with an amused expression." Anyway, let's arrange some plans. This morning I would like take you sightseeing. It can be a thank you for all your hard work. It's a good idea, yes?"

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