Frater Imperator

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Chapter 34: Part Two 

12th of October 2023- Santa Monica, California

Frater Imperator 

Author's Note: Okay, it's time to get some little follow up chapters written since we now know the fate of Copia. We still have him, his new chapter as Frater Imperator is just the start of something new for our little Copia. I could continue until the new Papa Emeritus turns up at the Ministry, the story doesn't end here. There's more adventures yet for Copia and Albany.

I'll have to change somethings for Sister's death scene since she still alive in my last few chapters. We're still in 2023, it's months away from June 2024.


Another knock at the door disturbed the silence of the apartment, it caused Michaelangelo to bark this time. Albany remained motionless for a moment until the coffee maker beeped, she placed the frying pan on counter side before she approached the door. She unlocked the door and kept the door chain on it's lacht, her hand curling hand around the handle she hesitated for a moment. She wasn't expecting any visitors, it caused her to ponder who was on the other side of the door. If anybody was going to visit her from the Clergy surely they would have informed her first with a telephone call. Clearing her throat Albany soon spoke, she didn't want to open the door until she knew the identity of her visitor.

" Who's there?" She asked.

" It's me!" 

" Me who?" She asked.

" It is ehm, oh..."

A smile crept across her features when she recognised the familiar voice stumbling over their own words, it was Copia. Albany immediately removed the chain and opened the door wide, she couldn't contain her excitement about seeing her lover standing in the hallway. Copia was dressed in his favourite red tracksuit, he was holding a single red rose in his hand. A startled sound escaped his lips when his gaze settled on his lover, he hadn't been expecting the door to be opened so unpromptedly. They stared at each other for a couple of seconds, but Albany was the first to break the silence between them.

" Copia!" She smiled.

" I'm back, baby!" He said.

" Oh my god, hello!" She said. 

" Hi, hello!" He said.

Albany immediately embraced him, his arms wrapping around her she breathed in his scent while he held her close. She hadn't seen him in months, his surprise visit had delighted her deeply. Pulling herself away from him she ran her hands down his arms, she couldn't believe he was standing before her. Copia offered her the single red rose, she thanked him and took it from his hand. Her gaze wandered over his form, he seemed to be in one piece. Whatever had been going on at the Ministry after his return hadn't affected him physically, he looked extremely well. 

" You look well, how are you?" She asked.

" I'm good, very good..." He said, his gaze immediately focused on the little hell hound watching him from the kitchen. " Oh! Is that  Mikey?"

" Sister got him back for me, he's under my supervision until I decide to return him." She said.

" A life long pet, huh?" He asked.

" You could say that." She said.

" That's good to know, but can I come in now?" He asked before he glanced along the hallway. " I would very much like to speak with you in private."

" Of course, I'll make us some coffee." She said.

" That would be very nice." He said.

" Make yourself at home." She said.

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