Returning From Hellfest

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Chapter 25!

Returning From Hellfest 

24th of June 2022- Los Angeles

Copia had returned from Hellfest, the festival had been successful for the santic band. His performance with the ghouls and ghoulettes had been enjoyable even though the weather had been unpleasant. Rain and wind had battered Papa Emeritus IV, his health hadn't been the best before he had travelled to Europe. The minute he started his journey back to Los Angeles his sore throat became worse, he had caught a viral infection from someone unknown.

Sister Imperator had welcomed Copia home with open arms, but he looked dreadfully ill. Pale and clammy he could hardly talk, he was burning up with fever. His body was aching and his chest was tight, he couldn't stop coughing. His Motherly figure had fussed over him and told him that he would need plently of bed rest, she wanted him to recover fully before he began his official Papa duties at the unholy church again.

Albany had kept her distance from her lover in the hallway, she didn't want to disturb her superiors. Her gaze remained on them, she was surprised to see how much affection and attention Sister was giving to the newest Papa Emeritus. Sister soothed Copia by rubbing his back when he had a coughing fit, her speaking tone was loving. Sister Imperator rarely showed her softer side, it was strange seeing how much love she had for her little Cardi. It wasn't long until Copia's gaze fell upon Albany, his hoarse voice soon broke the silence between them while he waved his fingers at his lover.

" Hi, hello!" Copia said.

" Welcome home, Copia." Albany smiled.

" Thank you." Copia said.

" Oh C, be careful!" Sister sighed.

" Sister, I can..." Copia said.

" Don't try to speak too much, it won't do your throat any good if you keep straining it." Sister interrupted, her gaze was fixed on him. " Go to bed and rest. I've made you some of your favourite soup, it will be brought to your room shortly. I'll cover your duties until you're feeling better." 

A sound of delight escaped Copia's lips, he thanked Sister for making him some soup and covering his duties while he recovered from his illness. He didn't even argue with his motherly figure, he agreed that he needed some time away from his Papa duties. Copia picked up his overnight bag and said his farewells, but he soon had an encounter with the ghostly Papa Nihil in the hallway. The phantasm had returned to the unholy church earlier than the band's frontman, his ghostly form had been summoned backed to the Ministry by the Clergy. They stopped for a brief moment and stared each other down, the dislike between them was now being shown. Waving his hand in dismissal Copia walked down the hallway, he left the elderly phantasm in confusion. Papa Nihil immediately approached Sister Imperator, his features were stern. He didn't look too impressed with his prodigy's behaviour, he didn't like being ignored. 

" Why isn't the boy speaking with me?" Papa asked.

" Cardi is on voice rest, he's got a terrible throat infection." Sister replied.

" That's the best news I've heard all day!" Papa smiled.

" Oh, Papa..." Sister sighed, her features were judgemental while she cupped her hands together. " Don't be cruel, his success paid for your resurrection. If it wasn't for him you would still be out of prodigies! Don't forget that, he's an assets to the Clergy."

" Whatever..." Papa said.

" Albany, I need a favour." Sister said, her gaze met with her own. " Will you go to the kitchen and heat up the soup I made for my little Cardi? It's his favourite, but remember no garlic bread. The crust may aggravate his throat."

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