Ghostly Encounters

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Chapter Six! 

Ghostly Encounters 

September - The Los Angeles Ministry 

The chimes from the the old grandfather clock in the library echoed throughout the Ministry, the last chime soon faded away. The hallways were silent and still, but the sound of ghoulish chatter and hurried footsteps disturbed the silence of the night. The ghouls were causing mischief around the unholy church, the night belonged to them when the outside world was sleeping. It was the early hours of the morning, but a buzzing sound disturbed the peace in one of the dorm room on the  second floor.

Albany stirred in her sleep and rolled into her side, her eyes fluttering open she saw the screen of her mobile phone lighting up. Rubbing at her eyes she gave herself a moment to wake up before sat up in her bed, she then reached for her phone. She checked who was calling her at this ungodly hour. The name she could see on the screen unsettled her, it was the third call she had received this week from Papa Nihil's office telephone. Looking around her dark room Albany hesitated before she answered it, her voice soon broke the silence of the room.

" Hello?" She asked.

" Albany..."

" Who is this?" She asked.

The phoneline clicked and the call ended, her mobile phone's screen went blank. Albany immediately turned her bedside lamp on before she threw her phone onto the bed, she was unsure if she was dreaming. Supernatural occurrences had been happening lately, she was beginning to think the Ministry was haunted. She had seen unexplainable white mist in the chapel and things had been moved around in her room, the old piano in the hallway had been heard playing all by it's self in the early hours of the morning. Albany had spoken to Phil about it, he had reassured her that her Father wasn't calling her from beyond the grave. He suspected that the ghouls were playing tricks on her since they knew she was getting paranoid about the odd disturbances, but she was unsure what she had done to upset them if that was the case. 

The buzzing of her mobile phone caught her attention again, the caller was Papa Nihil. Bringing her knees to her chest Albany hugged her legs while she watched her phone ringing out, the screen soon went blank again. A faltered sigh escaped her lips while she brought her finger tips to her lips, the thought of her Father trying to contact her from beyond the grave was unsettling. Albany glanced around the room and pulled back her blankets, she needed to get to the bottom of who was calling her phone from her Father's office telephone. 

Albany took her mobile from her bed sheets, she slipped her bed socks on before she climbed out of her bed. She planned to visited her Father's office even if the hour was late, it was the only way she would be able to settle her mind this night. Leaving the lamp on in her room she unbolted the door and entered the hallway, she quietly closed the door behind her. The silence of the hallway greeted her, she looked both way before she venture through the double doors of the female dorms floor. She decided to take the stairwell instead of the elevator, it would be quicker on foot. Entering the ground floor from the stairwell she kept on walking, the hallways were empty. 

The Ministry was silent and calm, no one was around at this ungodly hour. Albany glanced into the chapel while she walked passed it, the unholy place of worship was lit with candles and incense sticks. She kept on walking until she reached Papa Nihil's old office, the door was ajar. A thin ray of light shone though a gap in the doorway, she was unsure if the office was occupied. Approaching the door Albany's hand reached for the handle, her fingers curling around it she took a deep breath before she slowly opened the door. The door creak and the hinges squeaked, she noticed a shadow scurrying across the wall when she entered the room. The chair at the desk was spinning, the telephone's reliever was hanging from it's holder. Her voice was soon heard, she was curious about the eerie situation unfolding in front of her eyes.

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