Calling From A Land Down Under

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Chapter 34!

Calling From A Land Down Under!

4th of October 2023- The Los Angeles Ministry 

Authors Note: This will be the last chapter until we know the fate of Copia. Hopefully we'll find out when the movie is released in June. But until then we're left hanging.

Bye bye for now!


The month of October soon came around, it would be days until Copia and his faithful bandmates returned to the Los Angeles Ministry. They were touring Australia and performing for their fans, they had one more ritual left since they had just played at John Cain Arena in Melbourne last night. 

The chimes from the old Father clock in Sister Imperator's office echoed down the hallway, it had just turned 10:30am. Albany had been helping Sister this morning by typing out invoices and sorting through her filing cabinets, she had also helped her superior organise something classified for when Copia returned home. There had been a few changes at the Ministry this month, it had come to a surprise for most since it had been announced without any warning. The Clergy were shortening working days and replacing the odd employee with members of the Seven Deadly Sins from Italy, there had been rumours about an antichrist joining the unholy church very soon. 

Sister Imperator had a meeting with Mr Saltarian and a few other Clergy members at 11am in one of the executive suites on the fourth floor, she had told Albany to take the rest of the day off since she had no idea how long the meeting would last with her colleagues. Albany had obeyed her superior's wishes, but Sister had made sure she had been given a few beach house brochures to look through in her free time. Sister had sat Albany down and discussed something unexpected with her last night over dinner, she had suggested that she should temporarily move out of the Ministry before Copia returned from tour. The Clergy had even offered to pay for her expenses and rent until a safer time came for her return. Her superior wanted to make sure she was out of harms way for whatever came next for Papa Eneritus IV. 

Albany left Sister's office and walked down the hallway, she had so many questions about the sudden moving out conversation from last night. She was beginning to wonder if her Father knew anything about it, he may get upset if she just left without saying anything to him even though it was for a short period of time. Copia also may need her in case things didn't go to plan, he had no idea what the future held for him when his tour ended. Sighing deeply to herself Albany stopped at the elevator at the end of the hallway, she pressed the button and waited for it to travel to the fifth floor.

The elevator pinged and the doors slid open, she stepped inside before she pressed the third floor button. The doors closed the elevator moved downwards, she couldn't stop thinking about what if this temporary move became permanent. This unholy church had been her home for years, she had met Copia here and worked alongside her Brothers. Her Father was pleased when she agreed to move to Los Angeles with him, she dared not think what he would be like without her assistance. If the Ministry's walls could talk there would be good and bad memories, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to temporary move out just yet. 

The elevator soon stopped and the doors slid open, the familiar sight that was the third floor greeted her while she stepped into the hallway. Walking forward she made her way down the hallway, she pushed opened the double doors and took a set of keys from her pocket. Albany unlocked her dorm room's door and wandered inside, she then closed it behind her. The lamp in her dorm had been left on, she could have sworn she had turned everything off this morning before she left for her clerk duties.

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