Glass Caskets

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Chapter 31!

Glass Caskets 

16th of  February 2023- The Los Angeles Ministry


The hallways of Ministry were silent, the working day had ended hours ago for some. Albany was just finishing some filing in Sister Imperator's office, she had been working alongside her superior for most of the day since Copia was working from his room. He had informed Sister that he wanted a calming environment to concentrate on his paperwork, he had told her that his office was too stuffy since the air-conditioning had stopped working over a day ago.

Albany had finished the last of the filing, she made sure everything was tidy and put away before she left her superior's office. She walked down the hallway and looked through some food menus, she had one more task to complete. Albany needed to decided what she was going to order for tonight's family meal. Sister had left her some takeaway menus and the details of the Clergy's tab information, but she still was unsure what to order. She planned to drop by her lover's room, she wanted to check on him and maybe get his opinion on what they should have for dinner tonight. A cheerful whistle and a squeaking sound caught her attention, she stopped dead in her tracks before she looked back down the hallway. It sounded like Copia's old tricycle's squeaky wheels, but it couldn't be that since it was being stored in cellar after the front tricycle wheel had became bend due to an incident involving the doorway of her Father's office. 

The squeaky sound echoed slightly, she was unsure which part of the Ministry it was coming from. Albany listened to the squeaking sound until it faded away, the unholy church became silent once again. She began walking down the hallway while she turned her attention back towards the menus, her heels were clinking against the tiled floor. She kept on walking until she reached the hallway where her lover's room was location, but she soon got a glimpse of Sister Imperator disappearing into another hallway. She had no idea why her superior had visited Copia, it mustn't have been serious since she seemed cheerful. 

Albany could now see the open doorway of her lover's room, she could hear pinging sounds and a video game theme song followed by a few frustrated groans. Stopping outside of Copia's room her gaze fell upon him, he was in the middle of playing a video game instead of working.

Copia's full attention was on his television set, his finger tips were awkwardly gliding across the gaming pad and wiggling the little joystick around with his thumb. He seemed obvious to his lover's presence. An amused smile crept across her features when he made a peculiar sound, he was getting frustrated with the video game he was playing. Albany didn't want to disturb him since he was having fun, but she had no other choice if she wanted some help with their dinner order. Gently knocking on the wooden door frame she managed to get her lover's attention, her voice broken the silence between them. 

" Knock, knock!" She said.

" Hi, hello!" He said.

" Hello, Copia." She said.

" How are you doing?" He asked.

" I'm good, how are you?" She asked.

" I'm good, very good." He replied.

" And what are you up to?" She asked.

" I was doing my recepts and taxes, but then the ummm..." He paused for a moment. " Okay, okay! I got caught playing video games by Sister. I told her I was doing my taxes over the phone, then she unexpectedly dropped by room."

" So you lied to her?" She asked.

" Just a little white lie, but that wasn't my fault.. " He replied, his gazed focused on the hallway behind his lover. " It's quiet out there, yes?"

" In the hallway?" She asked.

" Yes." He said.

" It pretty quiet, it's almost dinner time." She replied.

" Right, right..." He said.

" Is something wrong?" She asked.

" I'm little nervous, it's been a strange day." He said.

" Strange how?" She asked.

" Have you seen Mr Saltarian around the Ministry this evening?" He asked, his gaze met with her own. " I saw him pushing a glass coffin passed my room not long ago, he looked very pleased with himself."

" He was wheeling a casket?" She asked.

" Yes, it was a new one." He replied, his features were worrisome. " Sister said it was additional, she told me not to worry. But I'm not sure..."

" I haven't seen any new caskets today, but it's definitely strange." She said before she stepped inside of her lover's room. " Maybe it's a new casket for Papa, he told me something about making an order for a new casket a few days ago. His old casket got damaged on the last tour."

" The glittery caskets from eBay?" He asked.

" What? No! Not one of those kind of caskets, they're expensive!" She said with a smile. " Sister immediately told him no when he asked about them, she thought they were too flamboyant for someone of his status."

" Right, right..." He said.

" Do you want to help me order dinner?" She asked, she approached him and sat down next to him on his mattress. " Sister wants me to order something for tonight's dinner. Maybe you can help me? It's between Italian, Mexican and Chinese. I offered to cook something, but she told me to take the night off."

" I do like Chinese food, but I do enjoy a good taco too." He said.

" Shall I order Mexican?" She asked.

" Sure, why not." He said.

" Then it's settled! We're having Mexican food for dinner tonight." She said before she lovingly touched his forearm. " It's going to be the four of us tonight."

" Me, you, Sister and the old guy?" He asked.

" Not Papa, but Mr Saltarain will be joining us instead." She said.

A groan of displeasure escaped Copia's lips, he wasn't too impressed that Mr Saltarain would be joining them for dinner this evening. He still looked spooked over the glass coffin being wheeled passed his room not long ago. Albany caressed his hand and reassured him that everything was going to be okay, she didn't wanted him stressing before they had dinner. Giving his hand a reassuring rub with her thumb she smiled at her lover, she didn't like it when his imagination was overplaying scenarios.

" Let's go and order dinner in Papa's office, he's taking a nap right now." She said, her speaking tone was soft and sincere. " Then you can help me set the table. We'll use paper plates and plastic forks, that means no washing up tonight. Also it may give us a chance of an early night."

" Good idea." He said.

" I know, I know." She smiled.

" Can I finish my game first?" He asked.

" I think it's already game over from what I can see from here." Albany said.

" Oh?" He asked.

Albany looked over at the television set and motioned her hand towards it, the words game over were flashing on the screen. Copia sighed deeply to himself and threw his control onto the mattress, he didn't seem too impressed that he had lost his game. Running her hand over his shoulder Albany kissed his cheek before she got to her feet, she told him it was time to order some dinner.

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