Near The End

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Chapter 24!

Near The End  

15th of May 2022 -Hanover, Germany 

The tour bus was parked out back at the ZAG-Arena in Germany, there was only three days left until the first part of the Imperatour had been completed. Copia and his bandmates had been performing nonstop, their rituals were still wowing the crowds that came to worship them from around the globe.

The shower in bathroom could be heard, the residence of the tour bus were now awake. Albany had managed to sneak into the bathroom before anyone else had the chance to use it, she had the advantage since her bunk was nearest to the facilities. The ghouls and ghoulettes were still having breakfast with Copia, her ghostly Father had joined them not long ago. She thought it be the perfect chance to get a peaceful moment from the rest of the group, it could get choatic first thing in the morning.

Albany had already showered, she was wearing a bathrobe without any slippers. Her clean outfit was hanging up on the back of the door, she wanted to clean her teeth and do her makeup before she got changed. The plans for today were straightforward, she would be accompanying Copia on his sound check at the venue. They had two contracts to sign and an invoice to post, there was a couple of emails that needed to be sent to Sister Imperator. Spitting toothpaste into the basin she continued to brush her teeth, but she almost jumped out of her skin when she saw a familar reflection in the mirror. It was Copia, he had somehow managed to sneak into the bathroom unnoticed. His fingers soon waved at his lover, his voice broke the silence between them.

" Hi, hello!" He said.

" Copia!" She said with a deep sigh. " You scared me..."

" Sorry, I didn't mean to do that." He said.

" You shouldn't be in here!" She said while she turned around to face him. " Business relationship on the tour bus, remember? You're going to get into trouble if anyone saw you coming in here."

" The ghouls and ghoulettes are with Papa, it's cool." He said.

" I think you should leave." She said.

" But your toes look cold, you're not wearing any slippers..." He said.

" You won't be saying that if Papa catches you, he'll possess you and throw you off the tour bus while it's still moving." She said, her gaze met with his own. " And I don't want that to happen, it would break my heart if I ever lost you."

" Pops cant do that, he would get a scolding from Sister." He said.

" I know that, but he's mentioned more than once about doing it when he's in one of his a spiteful moods." She said.

" The old guy is all talk, he wouldn't have the energy to do that unless it was a bug." He said before he approached his lover. " It's fine, it's cool. Nobody knows that I'm here. I just wanted a morning cuddle, it was cold in my bunk last night."

" Then maybe you should have wore an extra pair of socks in bed." She said.

" Please, baby..." He said.

 " Will you please leave so I can get dressed?" She asked while she motioned her toothbrush towards the door. " We don't want to be late for the sound checks, it's important that tonight's performance runs smoothy."

" A few seconds won't hurt." He said. 

" Your seconds turn into minutes." She said.

" Just one little cuddle..." He begged.

" You're encourgable." She sighed.

" But you like that, right?" He asked.

" I do, very much." She replied.

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