Chapter Two

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So I changed Arthit's sister's name since I totally forgot that Can's daughter was named Rose so if you were wondering why that's why

Also I'm sorry I haven't posted I've been dealing with some health issues. I know some people have been asking for an update. I'm going to post this then I'm going to take a little break to heal and get better for me and you guys. Thank you for the support and kindness you have shown me I appreciate it.

Kongpob sighed as he turned over in his bed, the loneliness was getting to him again. He usually would go to another village where his kind of humans were, humans who like to submit to his every desire in bed. He was a dominant in bed and sometimes out of it otherwise he was a normal demon. Most demons were dominant but not like he was, he liked to tie his bed partners up and use any pleasure item on them to bring both his partner and him pleasure.

He didn't feel like going to the village he was allowed to go to knowing that Claiming Day was in a few days. He felt weird about this one like something was going to happen that no one could have seen coming. He sighed before giving up on sleep and getting out of bed to go for a run. He put on some shorts and his socks and running shoes before he left his apartment. He didn't want to use the dark room this time so he headed down the stairs and through the living room and to the front door. As long as he stayed away from the left side than he should be okay to go for a run. He went through the front gate and headed towards the right side before going around the gate towards the back of the house.

It was just barely sunrise as he took off in a light jog, the view was still as breathtaking as it was when he first arrived at the mansion. He had been even younger than he was now when he arrived coming right out of military school and ready to meet his mate. Things didn't go to plan but then Team showed up and started things back up. He considered Team a close friend even though he was his cousin-in-law. Team showed him compassion and acceptance.

Team was the only one that knew that he was a dominant. He wasn't supposed to know since he liked to keep that part of his life private even from his cousins but Team accidentally stumbled upon his to-go bag that had his favorite floggers and paddles in it. His son Orion went missing one day and everyone looked everywhere for him, Team found him in Kongpob's room playing with a paddle from his bag. Team asked him about it later on and he told him the truth knowing that he would probably would be disgusted with him. He wasn't. He was accepting and curious, he asked a lot of questions and by the end of their conversation he asked Team not to say anything to anyone about it Team agreed before excusing himself saying he need to go find Win since he was horny as hell.

Kongpob thought it was funny how open he was about his desire now then when he first came here and wouldn't talk about anything sexual but now he's more open especially with Type. Those two could make a priest blush with the things they talk about. They have slowly been getting Can over to their side, trying to get him to be more open and confident. Kongpob knows that Can doesn't need confidence after pulling a demon killing gun on Tharn, Can just likes to mess with them by pretending to be shy. Can has the mouth of a sailor and the confidence of a fucking matador. Can could say things that make him blush which was really hard to do.

Can and Tin were still the keep to themselves couple but they have been getting better at it since they had their twin. The twins were a surprise to everyone including him, they were all expecting one baby but life had other plans for the couple. Now they have almost eleven month old babies that are adorable and looked like their parents.

As for Type and Tharn well they still act like an old married couple if that married couple like to argue fifty percent of the time and fucking the other percent of the time. The two vampires were still deeply in love and adored their daughter Treasure. Kongpob knew that they were still deciding on whether or not to have another baby.

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