Chapter Three

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This was supposed to be posted a few days ago but I recently had a death in my family and wanted to be with my family at that time plus I was still recovering from being sick. Sorry about that.

A few minutes before the chosen one's arrival....

Kongpob grabbed Raven before he could escape out the back door. The twins may not be walking yet but those speed demons have mastered crawling and take off like a freaking bullet. Their parents could hardly keep up without Tin using his super speed.

"Has anyone seen-there you are." Can said coming up to them.

"He was trying to escape out the back door." Kongpob said giving Raven back to his Papa.

"Why is it that you and your sister can't go down for a nap like the other children?" Can asked Raven who just smiled at him. "Don't give me that smile, you are still going down for a nap."

Kongpob wasn't listening anymore as his whole body tensed. Someone was here.

"Someone is here aren't they?" Can said noticing his tense figure.

"Yes" he said before they made their way to the living room and onto the stairs. As they waited Kongpob felt really weird about this and his feelings got weirder when there was a knock on the door. They all looked at each other before Type got up and went to answer the door, he couldn't see the guy but he heard his voice talking about an elderly couple then Type calling someone a fucking coward. The next few moments were tense while they listened to Type try to get the human into the mansion.

The minute he did something clicked inside of him and he knew this human was his. Finally. He then noticed the scared little girl holding his mate tightly. Was she his daughter? Did he already have a mate? He instantly didn't care, this was his mate now and he wouldn't let him go.

"P-Please l-l-let us l-l-leave" his quivering voice said. His mate was terrified and it killed him.

"We aren't going to hurt you." Type said before telling them what had happened. Kongpob was pissed. His mate was tricked into coming here by those fucking cowards, if he could he would have gone down to the village and killed the mayor and his wife. He ignored what the others were saying as he stared at his mate with awe and a little surprise. He wasn't from Demon Lake so how was he able to get through the gates. His thoughts stopped when the adorable guy looked at him, Kongpob could tell he was terrified but not of him. He looked away and Kongpob felt emptiness in his soul, he wanted him to continue to look at him.

"I-I d-don't understand" he said before gulping in air like he couldn't get enough. The little girl next to him moved quickly in front of him.

"Arthit, you have to stop or you will stop breathing and pass out." She said. Arthit. What a cute-wait minute, he had seen a panic attack before after seeing Type go threw it but this was different. He immediately moved forward and reached them in seconds before moving the girl and grabbing Arthit chin to make him look at him. He knew if he used his Dom voice that the others would know about his kink but his mate needed it.

"You will calm down and breathe normally or you will be punished." He said in his Dom voice.

"Holy fuck" he heard Can's voice say but he ignored it. He stared into Arthit's eyes and didn't look away as Arthit slowly started to calm down and breathe normally.

"Good boy, now we are all going to sit down on the couch and talk, be a good boy and don't run for the door." Arthit stared into his eyes as he nodded.

"I've never seen anyone calm him down that fast." The little girl that looked to be about ten said. Arthit took the girl's hand and they all walked over to the couch and sat down.

"I think we should start with introductions." Team said. "I'm Team and this is my husband Win, we have a little boy named Orion who is taking a nap."

"I'm Type and this is my husband Tharn and we have a little girl named Treasure and she's also taking a nap."

"I'm Can and this is my husband Tin and these two are our twins, Raven and Rose and they are supposed to be napping but they are stubborn."

"I'm Nine"

"I'm Pick"

"I'm Dean"

"I'm Korn" Everyone turned to him and he looked straight into Arthit's eyes before saying.

"I'm Kongpob but everyone calls me Kong, you may call me that too." Arthit just stared at him so the little girl had to step in. Kongpob was glad that she didn't seem to be afraid anymore.

"I'm Stella Rojnapat and this is Arthit Rojnapat."

"It's very nice to meet you two" Kongpob said not taking his eyes off Arthit.

"So we are all wondering if your parents or any of your extended family were from Demon Lake." Tharn said. Arthit finally looked away from Kongpob to look at Tharn.

"I'm not sure, I think my three times great grandparents were since they moved from a small village to Bangkok but I never knew the name of the village, my grandparents refused to talk about it." Arthit said. "Look, this has all been fun but we really should be going, Stella and I have homework to do and we can't do that here."

"Arthit, have you ever heard of the legend of this village?" Kongpob asked.


"Well it's not really a legend more like history." Kongpob said. "Before the village was built the first settlers came to this land to escape death at the hands of a ruthless king. They were told this land was a good place to set up a village but what they didn't know was that this land was in the possession of the first Demon King."

"The Demon King didn't take kindly to trespassers and wanted to wipe them out but the leader of the group made him laugh so he made him a deal. The deal was that they could stay on his land and they would be protected without fear that the demons would enter the village but in return they had to send eight human boys to this house to be the mates of his eight sons." Kongpob said. "It was a never ending contract so many generations of humans were paired with demon princes. Only people from Demon Lake could be chosen so that's why we asked you if you or your family were originally from Demon Lake."

"The people are supposed to vote but I guess they found out you have family who lived here before and decided the new guy was chopped liver, the fucking cowards never learn." Type said.

"So what you are saying is that they gave me to you guys?" Arthit said.

"Not to all of us, you have a mate who will love and take care of you." Team said.

"And who is that exactly?" He asked.

"That would be me, My Love" Kong said making Arthit look at him.

"Look, you may be a very nice demon prince but I am not looking for a partner. I'm too busy trying to take care of a kid." He said.

"I can help take care of your daughter I am excellent with children." Kongpob said.

"By the way, why does she call you Arthit instead of dad." Can asked rocking a now sleeping Raven. Kongpob watched Arthit and Stella looked at each other before looking at the others.

"She isn't my daughter she's my sister." Arthit said.

"Our parents died a few months ago so now Arthit is my new dad." Stella said. Kongpob's heart broke for them when he heard that.

"As I said before I'm not looking for a partner, all I want is to make sure Stella has everything she needs to grow up into a intelligent and beautiful young woman." He said before moving to stand.

"I can help you raise Stella and maybe along the way you might feel love for me." Kongpob said standing before Arthit could stand. "I have waited a long time for you and I won't let you go without a fight."

"You can't keep us prisoners in here, we have a right to leave." Arthit said looking more and more upset with each word.

"You are free to wander the house but I won't let you go."

"Listen here you asshole" Arthit said standing up. Kong moved quickly and captured his lips in his. He could feel Arthit tense up before Kong deepened the kiss. A kiss never felt so good to him and he could get used to this feeling.

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