Chapter Fourteen

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It's been a few days since Can was basically attacked by Tin and Can hasn't talked to Tin since. He and the babies had been staying with Type and Tharn since they have an extra bedroom. Apparently Can was furious with Tin for embarrassing him in front of his friends and cousin but also that he didn't' listen when he said he could feed later that night. Tin tried to apologize saying that he wasn't in control that is succubus came out and he was sorry. Can told him that he just needs time to be angry and embarrassed and to leave him alone.

That whole experience was a little embarrassing and hot at the same time. He wasn't attracted to any of the guys here except Kongpob but he had to admit that it was kind of hot. That night Kongpob definitely got lucky and it was as intense as it was their first time.

"So are you guys going to come?" Stella said making Arthit come out of his thoughts as he sipped his coffee.

"Huh" Arthit said making Stella sigh in annoyance.

"The parent teacher conference, are you guys coming or not?" She asked. Arthit looked at Kongpob who looked worried cause they both knew that Kongpob couldn't step a foot in the village.

"Sweetheart, Kong can't go into the village remember and I'm not sure I can le-"

"Go" Kongpob said shocking Arthit.


"Go to the parent teacher conference, I trust you to come back." He said.

"Are you sure?" Arthit said.

"Yeah, just come back to me" he said. Arthit moved over and wrapped his arms around Kongpob.

"Someone would have to kill me to keep me away from you."

"That's what I worry about so to ease my fears I'll ask Tharn if Type can go with you."

"No, I don't want to piss off Tharn again, it'll just be a half an hour and I should be fine."

"Like hell I would let you leave by yourself." Type said from the doorway. They looked over to see Tharn and Type with their daughter.

"I couldn't ask you to come with me if it will piss off Tharn or make the villagers upset."

"I don't give a shit about the villagers, I give a shit about you." Type said before looking at Tharn who growled. Type gave him a look that said that there will be an award for it making Tharn sigh in defeat.

"Fine you may go but if you aren't back in a half an hour I swear-"

"I'll send Knot with them too" Kongpob said.

"Who the fuck is Knot?" Tharn asked.

"He's a friend of mine from the BDSM community, he lives in the village with his sub but he doesn't vote like the rest of them and he's been taking Stella to school since she went back."

"And before you ask he's trustworthy." Arthit said.

"He'll make sure they get back okay." Kongpob said.

"Fine, get going" Tharn said. Kongpob pulled out his phone and called Knot who said he would meet them in front of the hill. He told them what Knot said before they all headed outside. Arthit kissed Kongpob saying he would be back.

"I'll hold you to it" He said making Arthit smile. Arthit turned to see Type with his forehead on Tharn's, they both had their eyes closed and looked so in love with each other.

"I promise I will be back" Type said.

"I know, I just hate every time you leave."

"Me too" he said before he opened his eyes and backed away. He turned to Arthit and Stella who were waiting for him by the gate.

"Bye Kong" Stella said.

"See you later" he said before the three of them walked through the gates.

Arthit introduce Type to Knot when they got to the bottom of the hill before getting into the car and driving to the school. When they got there everyone including the mayor and his wife stared at them. They ignored them and headed inside as they got closer to Stella's classroom Arthit got a really bad feeling.

"Type, I have-" he said before freezing when he saw his bitch of a social worker and a lot of police officers standing in front of Stella's classroom.

"What's wrong?" Type asked.

"You remember when I told you about Stella and I's social worker that doesn't like me and wants to take her away from me and put me in a group home."


"That's her" Type looked over and growled before standing in front of them blocking his view of them.

"Step aside so I may do my job" Jazz said.

"My job is to protect them from you so no." He said. Type moved quickly as an officer try to move him out of the way but he just grabbed him by the neck and threw him down the hall as more officer came he moved out of their view.

"Arthit Rojnapat, you and your sister need to come with us." Jazz said.

"No we don't, I have the paperwork to say that we got permission to move."

"You don't currently live at the house that is on your paperwork do you?" She smirked like she just trapped a dangerous prey in a corner and was going in for the kill.

"We just moved into my boyfriend's house and I have been busy with making sure Stella was stable before getting the paperwork together." He said only lying a little bit.

"You should have informed me immediately."

"I know but stuff went down with moving and I wasn't able to, please don't do this." He said before he heard a noise behind him. He didn't dare look behind him.

"Arthit, the cops are hurting Knot!" Stella said before she screamed as she was ripped away from him.

"No!!" Arthit said going after the cop that had his daughter. He attacked the cop that was trying to take her with everything in him before he was grabbed and slammed down onto the floor on his stomach before being hand cuffed. He heard Type growl and looked over at him to see he was fighting off a dozen police officers.

"Type, run and tell Kongpob!!" He said as he was being stood up.

"I'm not leaving you here" He growled as he threw off another police officer.

"They are going to take me to Bangkok, tell Kong to find me." He said before he was led out as he continued to struggle. Arthit looked over to the mansion and pushed his feelings of being scared and worried towards it hoping it would find him.

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