Chapter Nine

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Arthit pulled into the parking lot of a hotel, it was night time and he was tired from the events of the day. Arthit had never felt so guilty in his life for what he had done. He left Type all alone after he knocked him out with a bat, he had abandoned Kongpob even though he kept him against his will and he had scared Stella. All three we weighing on his heart the whole drive here, he thought about turning back but it was too late they would never forgive him for what he did to Type.

His plan was to get them to the airport and buy a plan ticket to America and hide there till Stella is eighteen then his promise to his parents would be fulfilled then he would go back and beg for forgiveness and hope Kongpob takes him back. His Master was the only one he wanted and for the first time in his life being with one guy for the rest of his life was good enough for him.

He got out of the car and went to Stella's side and opened the door. He picked up a sleeping Stella after taking off her seatbelt then heading into the building. He paid for a room in cash and was given a key before he headed back out of the building. This old ass hotel looked like something out of any shitty horror movie but it was the only hotel he had seen for miles.

He put the key in and it beeped before he was able to open the door. He walked in and closed the door before moving to one of the two beds and pulling down the bedding. He gently placed Stella in bed before taking her shoes off, he pulled the blanket over her and kissed her head before he headed to the bathroom to pee and have a good cry. After that he crawled into the bed next to Stella's bed and fell asleep.

"Arthit is clever, he uses cash instead of debit cards which makes it harder to track but not impossible." Can said.

"How do you know how to track someone?" Tin asked.

"It's for me to know and you to never find out." Can said before he smiled.

"If I was Arthit I'd be heading to an airport to get the hell out of Thailand, the closest airport is in Bangkok which is about six hours from here and it's only been four hours." Type said.

"He must have stopped to sleep for the night and there are about four hotels that are close to it and only two that accept cash but only one is on the road he would take." Can said before showing them the hotel.

"Let's get them" Kong said.

Arthit woke up the next morning feeling like he was dead inside. Last night was awful but he had to continue on for Stella, he got out of bed and put his shoes on before grabbing the key card and leaving the room. He went in search of some food and found a vending machine not far from the room. He got them some chips and drinks before heading back.

He noticed on his way back that a creepy looking man was watching them. He looked shocked to see him but then grinned like he just won the jackpot. He didn't like it one bit, he got to his room and closed the door before he woke up Stella to get ready to leave.

"No matter what don't let go of my hand, okay?" He said making Stella nod. Arthit opened the door and was half way to his car when the same man stepped between them and his car.

"What is the youngest prince's mate doing all the way out here?" He asked then looked at Stella. "With a delicious looking snack, I'm just hungry enough to eat the both of you."

Arthit stepped back putting Stella behind him without letting her go.

"Don't fucking touch us" he said. The guy chuckled before taking a step towards them.

"What are you-" A hand going through his chest and ripping out his heart stopped the dude from talking anymore. He dropped to the floor to reveal Kongpob standing there. He seemed different though, he then noticed his eyes were blue like fire burning on a gas stove and his hands were on fire. Arthit got worried and went to put them out but Tin came out of nowhere and stopped him.

"If you touch him right now you could die." Tin said.

"Why are his hands and eyes on fire?" He asked.

"All demon princes have gifts and Kong is no different, he'll probably tell you when he's ready but it's best not touch him."

"Get in the damn portal" Kong said but his voice sounded like he breathed in sulfur hexafluoride. Arthit looked over to see a portal open and what looked like the living room to the mansion was on the other side.

"It's best to do what he says." Nine said. Arthit looked down at the guy that was dead on the floor then up at Kongpob before deciding it's best to just do what he was told and if he was honest with himself he was glad to be going back. He led Stella over to the portal and through it before the other joined them after getting his stuff from his car before the portal closed. Everyone in the house came in shouting at him both saying how stupid it was to do what he did and how worried they've been. Everyone except Tharn.

"Apologize to them for what you have done." Kongpob said still with his dark voice. Arthit looked at both Type and Tharn, Type looked a little upset but more worried while Tharn looked down right pissed.

"I am sorry for hitting you with that bat I felt so bad about it the whole drive." He said. "I'm sorry to both of you for just leaving you there."

He jumped a little when Kong moved past them and headed to the stairs. His eyes never left Kongpob till he disappeared down the hall to their apartment.

"You really hurt him." Team said making Arthit's gaze snap to him. "He thought you were giving him a chance but you were just using him to get out of here."

"I know and I'm so-"

"Shut up and listen for once!!" Team snapped. "That man has waited for you, you don't know how lonely he was before you came along, he never showed it but I could see it."

"Did you know he had trouble sleeping because of how lonely he was, he would come out and sit with me or Type when we couldn't sleep. No, you didn't cause you didn't give him a chance."

"Did you know that when you arrived it was like a light switch wnet on inside him and I've never seen him happier. You could have had a good life, you could have had someone worship the ground you walk on but you broke his heart and until you fix it stay the hell away from me." Team said before storming off up the stairs. Win didn't even look at Arthit as he followed his husband upstairs. Nine took Stella out of the room into the dining room and probably took her outside.

"I understand where you were coming from, you were being held against your will to save people who tricked you into coming here and I understand that you had to use Kongpob to let you out but why would you do the thing you did yesterday morning with him and yes I know about it and no I won't tell you how, you could have just waited till he trusted you more instead you used his body to get your pleasure-" Type said before being interpret.

"I know what I did was wrong but it doesn't mean I didn't feel anything for him, of course I did but I made a promise to my parents and I intended on keeping it but I swear to you I was going to come back and beg for his forgiveness because-" he said before breaking of as the tears filled his eyes.

"I've never wanted to settle down before my parents died but then I met Kong and things changed and I just need to talk to him, I'm sorry but I have to go." He said before making a move to go to the stairs. Type used his super speed to get in front of him.

"Wait till he's calmed down, right now it's really dangerous to be around him."

"Why, cause he has the power of hellfire, I figured out when I walked through the portal and I don't care. He won't hurt me and I won't touch him."

"He's not himself right now and he could accidentally hurt you and that would kill him even worse than you leaving him." Type said.

"Give him a few hours to calm down and then you can go see him." Tin said. Arthit looked up at the stairs as his heart cracked more.

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