Chapter One

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Arthit watched as he was being tied up six ways from Sunday on his bed. He loved being tied up, it made him feel safe and secure. He was then pushed down so his face was on the bed and his ass up in the air. He had been with guys before but this felt different, this felt right, like he was supposed to be fucked into the ground. As the man was about to put his cock in him a loud and annoying sound surrounded him.

Arthit opened his eyes and glared at his alarm, another hot dream interrupted by his alarm. He had sexy dreams every night since he got his sister back a few months ago. It was always the same type of dream but different sexual positions. Every time he tried to take it further it always ended up with him waking up and glaring at his alarm clock.

He got out of bed and headed to his shared bathroom to pee and have a cold shower. Once he was done he headed back to his room to get dressed. He had left out an outfit from the moving boxes that were currently at his new place in Demon Lake. The only thing left in their family's house was their beds and a few things in the bathroom.

Why he decided to move to a small town like Demon Lake he would never know. He wanted to get out of their house they grew up in and start over. The memories of his parents and the fun times he had here were just too much for him and his sister and after a long talk they decided to move. His sister, Stella thought they should move to another city but while doing research on where was the best place to raise a child, Demon Lake was on the list and for some reason it called to him.

He found a house for sale that was in their budget and they went to see it and fell in love with how homey it felt. When he asked the realtor the history of the house the realtor said that a family of four lived here almost four years ago. The couple and their daughter moved away but their oldest child still lives in the village. They bought the home and started packing the next day, they were just waiting for the okay from the social worker who was intent on making things difficult for them.

Arthit had filed the correct paperwork since they were still under "probation" to be able to move to the village and start fresh. Their social worker, Jazz was a horrible human being who thinks that Arthit is too young at seventeen to raise a kid and continually tries to get the judge assigned to their case to take Rose away and give her to someone who is older. She also wants to put Arthit into a group home till he's eighteen.

He has proven that he could take care of his ten year old sister multiple times. He had a house for her to sleep, a car to get her to and from places and he had more than enough money that was left from their parents to provide for her. The judge sided with them and after six months of fighting for custody he won.

Life used to be normal six months ago, he had just graduated highschool and had been accepted into the university of Bangkok, he had just moved into his dorm and was about to start school when he got a call no one should ever receive. His parents had gone on a trip for work and on their way back and drunk driver came into their lane and hit them head on. No one survived and his world came crumbling down around him.

After giving himself a moment to cry and mourn he picked himself up and moved back home to take care of his sister, only to find out that child protective services came and took her when no one picked her up from school. He went to their office and told them that he wanted to take care of his sister but they said he was too young. He was pissed and told them that Stella should be with her family and right now that was him. They told him that he would need to go to court to fight it but that the odds weren't in his favor.

He went home distraught and started trying to figure out how he was going to pay for a lawyer when some guy showed up at his house and told him that he was his parents lawyer and needed to talk to him about their will. Apparently, his parents left him four million dollars and his sister four million dollars that she would have access to when she was eighteen. He didn't have any condition since his parents knew he was very smart about money and where and when to spend it.

He almost cried about how this money was going to help him get his sister back and start over. The lawyer also said that his parents left him the house and the family business which was the jewelry business. Arthit sold the business a few weeks later for six point five billion dollars since he had no interest in the jewelry business.

After that he hired a lawyer and went to court to fight for his sister. It took so long because the judge was hesitant to give him custody due to his age. His lawyer told the judge that Arthit had the means to provide for his sister and that it's in the best interest of Stella to be with her brother since she has known him all her life and he knows her better than anyone.

When he won custody with the condition that he have their social worker check in on them in eight months, he was so happy that he could have kissed his lawyer. The next day he had nervously waited in a room for them to bring Stella to him. They had refused to let him see her during the time he was in court so this would be the first time since their parents died that he had seen her. The moment the door opened and she stepped through with the social worker and they locked eyes they both burst out into tears and ran across the room into each other's arms. He promised himself right then and there that they would never be parted again.

Arthit knocked on Stella's door and heard a groan in response. He smiled and told her it was time to get up since the movers would be here in an hour. He then went across the hall and into the bathroom. A little while later they were in the car on the way to their new home and for some reason Arthit felt like this might be the best thing for them.

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