Chapter Five

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It took some convincing but Kongpob finally convinced him to leave Stella to explore her room more so he could finish showing him the apartment. They walked out of the room and into the living room before Kongpob led him across the room to another room. It hit him as he saw the fancy bedroom that there were only three doors in the apartment. One was the front door, the second one was Stella's bedroom and the third was to this bedroom.

"Where are you sleeping?" He asked.

"Here" Kong said smirking.

"I guess I'll take the couch" He moves over to the couch to take his jacket he was wearing off but is stopped by Kong's next words.

"My bed is big enough for you to sleep in it as well."

"I prefer to just sleep on the couch or I can just bunk with Stella." He said. Kongpob stared at him and it was that type of stare that made someone very aware of their body. Kong took a step towards him making Arthit take a step back. Kong took another step making him take one back. They did this till the back of Arthit's knees touch the slab of marble that surround the bed. Arthit tried to move around it but Kong stopped him by pulling him into his arms.

"I know I said nothing physically but I have waited thousands of years for you and I just want a taste." He said. Before Arthit could tell him off he kissed him and Arthit's knees buckled a little making Kong put his arm around him to keep him up as he continued to seduce his mouth. Arthit tried his best to fight it and push him away but for the first time in awhile it felt...nice. It felt nice to be kissed, to be desired.

Kongpob was an excellent kisser as he worked his tongue into his mouth like he was showing him how he would fuck him. His cock twitched at the thought of being fucked by this man. He could just image him pinning him down and fucking him till he passed out only to wake up him and do it all over again.

Arthit relaxed his body and stopped struggling making Kong smile against his lips. He would give him a few more kisses then push him away, he closed his eyes as he kissed him back. It felt so good to be kissed again, the last time he had been kissed was...the night his parents died. His promise he made to his parents and himself brought him back to reality and with strength he didn't know he had he pushed Kongpob away.

"I-I can't, I'm sorry but I can't" he said before running out of the room. He left the apartment and head through the hallway till he got to the stairs. He was half way down when a hand grabbed his arm and stopped him. He knew it was Kongpob so he didn't look at him.

"Please let me go I'm just getting some air." He said.

"Tell me why you can't do what we were doing?" Kongpob asked. Arthit still wouldn't look at him and instead yanked his arm out of his hand and finished going down the stairs before heading through the living room and into the kitchen where Team and Win were making dinner. Team saw him first and smiled and was about to say something but stopped when he saw the pained look on Arthit's face as he headed to the back door.

He exited the house and kept walking past the pool and the basketball court that was newly made and over to this beautiful spot that looked like it should be a patio instead of small hang out spot further from the house.

He exited the house and kept walking past the pool and the basketball court that was newly made and over to this beautiful spot that looked like it should be a patio instead of small hang out spot further from the house

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