Chapter Ten

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Kongpob sighed as he stepped out of the shower. He had been in there for hours standing under the cold water trying to douse the fire within him, it helped a lot every time he'd do it. He wrapped a towel around his waist before stepping out of his bathroom only to freeze in the doorway. Arthit was sitting on the floor in front of the bed doing the nadu pose in only his briefs.

(I suck at descriptions so this is the pose)

(I suck at descriptions so this is the pose)

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"Master, permission to speak"

"I'm not your master anymore so do what you like" He said before heading into the walk in closet. He came out a few minutes later fully clothed and he was still like that.

"Master, please may I have permission to speak." He said but Kongpob ignored him and went to the door only to find out that it wouldn't open.

"Don't even think about trying to break the door down." Nine said. "I had my witch friend spell it so not even you could get out of here, not until you guys talk and work it out."

Kongpob growled and banged his fist on the door before turning to the only window in the room.

"Don't bother with the windows either she did the same thing, good luck Arthit." Nine said. He heard footsteps going away from the door before his front door was opened then shut. Kongpob couldn't believe this was happening to him, he was now stuck in a room with the human that broke his heart.

"Master, please may I have permission to speak."

"I am not your master!!" He growled. "I was never your master to you I was just a pawn for you to use and abandon."

"Master, please I-"

"Shut up, I'm talking" he said before moving away from the door towards him. "I understand that you did not like being held against your will but you have to understand my side of the story, I waited for you all my life, I was so lonely!!"

"It killed me every time a chosen one came and they weren't mine, then one day you show up and I don't feel lonely anymore. I thought for one second that you felt the same way and then you abandoned me and you hit my friend over the head with a bat and you took Stella the little girl that I was slowly learning to love away from me. You broke my heart, I loved you, from the moment we met it's been love."

"But all you could see was that you were being held against your will. You didn't see how everything you do affects me, if you have a bad night I have a bad night, if you hurt yourself that it's basically me hurting with you. If you cry I cry if you're mad I'm mad, everything you do Arthit affects me but you didn't care if you broke my heart into a million pieces."

"Master.. permission to speak." Arthit said as tears ran down his face.

"Permission granted"

"May I stand?"

"No" he said before Arthit took a deep breath.

"Before my parents died I never wanted to settle down, I liked my life and I liked sleeping with different people and having fun. Then my parents died and instead of breaking down completely, I gave myself a few minutes to cry then I packed up, left my dorm and my old life behind and promised my parents that I would put Stella first before myself. I would raise her like they would raise her, I would make sure she gets a great education and all the opportunities that the world gives."

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