Chapter Eight

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Arthit's plan went into effect after they showered, cleaned up the room with the help of Kongpob's demon powers, got Stella up and dressed and headed down for breakfast. He was helping clean up when he said what he needed to say.

"Hey I was wondering if you could allow me to go to the village to get my medicine and a few other things, I could take someone with me if it made you feel better." He said making Kongpob stop doing the dishes.

"I could get a new doctor to prescribe some but it would take too long to find a doctor I could trust then have him evaluate me and prescribe me medicine for my panic attacks." He said. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Kong thinking about it before he said those words he wanted to hear.

"Take Type with you and you both can go."

"Can I take Stella?" He asked. "She will want to grab some stuff that belonged to our parents that was left to her."

"Fine, she may go too" he said making Arthit smile then lean over and kiss his cheek.

"Thanks...Master" he said making Kongpob growl.

"What do you want for dinner and what movie do you want to watch?" He asked.

"Anything is fine with me, I should go get Stella and Type." He said after he finished cleaning the table. He almost ran back to the apartment in his haste to get Stella and grab Type. Once he collected Stella, he went in search of Type who he found with Team and Can and their babies in the game room.

"Hey Type, I was wondering if you would join me in going to get my medicine and collect some stuff from the house, Kong said it was okay for us to go." He said trying hard to keep his voice neutral.

"Uhm yeah, Tharn is in a meeting in the demon world so as long as we are quick, he hates it when I leave the mansion." Arthit felt a little guilty for what he was going to do to Type but to save himself and Stella he would do anything. Type gave Treasure to Team before he joined them in leaving the mansion.

"Where is my car?" He asked.

"We had it sent back to your house." Type said before picking him up with ease. "Hold on tight to Stella."

Arthit held Stella in a death grip in his arms before Type used his super speed to get them to Arthit's house. Once they arrived Arthit and Stella were put down before Arthit went and got his keys from his car before he joined them at the front door. He unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"This used to be Team's house when he was a kid till he was claimed." Type said shocking Arthit.


"Yeah, we used to spend a lot of time in his room playing video games or we would be at my house with my sister Destiny." He said not noticing Arthit slowly and quietly picking up a bat by the door. He turned to look at Arthit but Arthit hit him over the head with the bat before he fell to the floor. Arthit immediately went into action grabbing the box with all the important documents and some of the stuff their parents left them and his medicine. He grabbed Stella's hand who was in shock at what he did, he pulled her along to the car before all but throwing the box in the car and telling Stella to get in the car. He went around to the driver's door and opened it before quickly getting in. He was in such a panic that he almost dropped the keys trying to put them in the ignition. He finally was able to put it in and start the car as Stella started asking questions.

"Why did you hit Type over the head, will he wake up, what about Kong, why are we leaving him." She asked. Arthit pulled out of the driveway and hit the gas pedal making the car lurch forward and drive off he passed the hill the mansion was on and something in his heart cracked.

"We were being kept there against our will and it's wrong to do that to someone." He said. "Type will be fine and so will we once we get far enough away, we're not coming back here ever again." He said as he got onto the freeway.

Kong heard the gate open and got up immediately from the couch along with a pissed off Tharn. He just gotten back when they left and was pissed that Type was allowed to leave again. It had been a half an hour since then and both were worried. They left the house and Kongpob stopped in his tracks when he saw only Type coming through the gate.

"Type!!" Tharn yelled when he saw the dried blood on his head and clothes. Tharn and Kongpob used super speed to get to him.

"What the hell happened?" Tharn asked. Type looked at Kongpob and his heart broke for him.

"He left, he hit me over the head with a bat and when I woke up he and Stella were gone." He said. Tharn growled and glared at Kongpob.

"This is your fault if you hadn't allowed your mate and mine to leave my mate wouldn't have gotten hit over the head and left in the village that hates him."

"Don't blame Kong he had no idea that Arthit was planning this, I'm pretty sure he was planning this all along and just had us fooled." Type said. Kongpob's heart broke at hearing this. He was just pretending, everything that happened this morning was fake? He couldn't believe it, he put his heart out there and Arthit just stomped on it like it meant nothing to him. Walls went up around his heart as he threw back his head and roared out fire. He would find Arthit and Stella then drag them back because it was his duty and it wasn't safe out there for them. He would make Arthit apologize to Tharn and Type then be done with him.

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