Chapter Sixteen

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Arthit and Kongpob stayed in a hotel as well as the other six princes as they waited for word on Stella. Can had called to say that Stella had shown up in the system and that Jazz was trying to get her adopted before her case went to court. King made a few calls and got that stopped immediately which apparently pissed Jazz off.

"Do you want something to eat?" Kongpob asked.

"I'm not hungry" He said as he sat on a chair by the window looking out in the busy night of Bangkok.

"You have to eat something, I was told you haven't eaten since you were taken."

"I'm not hungry" he lied. He was but he couldn't bare the thought of eating right now while his daughter was out of his custody.

"I'm ordering you a cheeseburger and you are going to eat it." He said before going to pick the hotel phone up.

"I DON'T WANT TO EAT RIGHT NOW!!" He yelled. He knew the moment those words left his mouth that he just fucked up. Kongpob went over to him snd grabbed him while Arthit struggled to get away from him. Kongpob sat down on a chair and put him over his lap before pulling his pants and briefs down as Arthit continued to struggle to get out of his grip.

"You do not talk to me like that do you understand!!" He said.

"Let me go asshole" He said before he gasped as Kongpob smacked his ass hard.

"Let's try that again you do not talk to me like that, do you understand?"


"Yes what?"

"Yes Master"

"You're going to get fifteen spankings, five for not taking your health seriously, five for talking back, five for acting like a child and five cause you need it." He said "After each spank you will count it out then say thank you master."

"Yes Master" he said before Kongpob slapped his ass.

"One, thank you Master"

Kong smacked him again.

"Two, thank you Master"

Another smack

"Three, thank you Master"

Another smack this time it hurt a little but he stayed quiet about it.

"Four, thank you Master"

Another smack had him bite his lip to keep from crying out.

"Five, thank you Master"

Another smack made a whimper slip out.

"Six, thank you Master"

Another smack

"Seven, thank you Master"

Another smack made him gasp at how tender his ass was.

"Eight...thank you Master"

Two more smacks in a row.

"Nine and ten, thank you Master"

Three more hard slaps in a row.

"Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, thank you Master

Another smack made him cry out as the pain was getting too much.

"F-Fourteen, thank you Master"

One last smack made all the tense from the past few hours ease away.

"Fifteen, thank you Master" he said before bursting into tears. Not because his ass hurt but because the feeling of having his ass spanked was the most normal feeling he had all day and he loved it. Kongpob pulled him up and had him straddle him as he hugged him and told him it would be okay. He cried for another few minutes before he settled down and Kongpob made him look at him.

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