Chapter Twelve

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Arthit woke up to someone knocking on his door, he looked over to see Kongpob still asleep before he looked over at the clock to see it was six thirty in the morning. He groaned and wanted to go back to sleep since they had been fucking since two a.m but someone kept knocking on the door.

"Arthit get up, I want to go back to school." Stella said. What kind of child wants to get up at a ridiculous hour and go to school?

"Go away" He yelled waking up Kongpob.

"What's going on?" He asked sleepily.

"Stella wants to go to school and I'm pretty sure she means in the village." He said before pausing. "Is that allowed, I mean she's going to school and will be away for seven hours. I want her to go but if it's not okay with you then I'll try my best to homeschool her." Kongpob sighed.

"As long as you don't leave the gate, I have a secret human friend in the village that will take her to and from school then I will allow her to leave." He said before Arthit smiled and kissed him.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, let me call him and set things up."

Fifteen minutes later, Arthit stood full dressed by the gate with Stella as a guy came walking up to him.

"Hello, I'm Knot" he said.

"I'm Arthit and this is Stella" he said before he looked at Stella. "This nice guy is going to take you to school then pick you up and take you back here when you are done, mind your manners and have a good day."

"I will" she said before walking through the gate. Arthit watched as one of the most important people walked away from him with a guy that Kongpob said was trustworthy. Arms going around his waist made him jump before he relaxed in Kongpob's arms.

"She will be alright" He said.

"I know, you sure this guy is trustworthy?" He asked.

"Yes, he's a dominant that I met in the next town over and he moved here to be with his sub. He won't let anything happen to her."

"I hope no one messes with her at school."

"If it happens we will teach her what to do with a bully." Kongpob said. Arthit turned his head and kissed him.

"You know you are going to be an amazing dad."

"I already am" he said. "Stella is our daughter and I'll protect both of you with my life."

"Same here, now I need to start making amends with people here and I think I'll start with Team and Win since they were truly hurt that I hurt you." He said.

"Do you want me to be there and help talk to them?" He asked.

"No, I need to do this myself"

"Okay" he said before snapping his fingers to make the gate shut then helping him inside cause he was sore after last night. Kong left him in the living room to go make them breakfast as Arthit made the long trip up the stairs, wincing every other step but he was determined to make it to Team and Win's apartment. He knocked on the door when he got there and Win opened the door.

"Can we all talk please"

"Who is it?" Team said before appearing next to Win.

"I wanted to talk about last night and make amends."

"Did you make up with Kong?" Team asked. Arthit couldn't hold back the blush before he nodded.

"Holy shit, did he mark you?" Team asked.

"Yeah" he said. Team smiled before yelling down the stairs.

"Kong, can Win and I see what his mark looks like!!"

"If he's comfortable with it" Kongpob's voice said back. Arthit lifted his shirt showing them his mark.

"That so goes well with Kong's power." Team said before Arthit lowered his shirt.

"I'm sorry about what I did and if you must know I was punished for putting myself and Stella in danger." He said making Win and Team's eyes widen.


"Ew I'm not telling you" he said. "You both are gross for wanting to know what your family does in their bedroom."

"Oh come on" Team said pouting.

"Am I forgiven?"

"Yes, but I want to know the full story so be prepared for a guys night with just Type, me, you and Can."

"Sounds good but let me check with Kong cause he might have something planned." He said.

"Kong, we are kidnapping your mate for a guys night so deal with it." Team yelled down the stairs.

"The hell you are he's my mate!!" Kong responded.

"It's only for the night you stubborn ass, you got him all night yesterday!!" Team said. They all heard a growl come from him downstairs that made Arthit's cock twitch. He said something that made him blush and the other's eyes widen

"Master, I promise I will suck your cock for an hour if you let me have a guys night." Silence came from downstairs for a minute before they all heard him sa that he better make him cum so hard that he sees stars. Arthit smiled and thanked him before looking back at Win and Team whose mouths were hanging open.

"I have to go make amends with everyone else but I'll see you tonight." He said leaving a shocked Team and Win just standing there. He apologized to Nine, Dean and Korn for hurting Kongpob and putting them in a position to come look for him. They said it wasn't necessary for him to apologize but they accepted it anyway. He went back downstairs and into the kitchen where he quickly kissed Kongpob before heading downstairs.

He apologized to Pick for being rude at the dinner table and putting him in a position to have to come and help Kongpob find him. Pick told him he'd forgive him if he forgave him for the way he acted at the dinner table too. He did forgive him before they said their goodbyes before he turned around and knocked on Tin and Can's door. Can opened it and was surprised to see him.

"I wanted to apologize for making you guys worry and for using you guys and for hurting Kong, I promise that I won't do it again." He said as Tin showed up behind him with one of the twins.

"I will explain why I did what I did to you at tonight's guys night that Team is setting up if you would like to come."

"I accept you apology and I'll come to the guys night." Can said.

"Thank you" he said before saying their goodbyes. Arthit went down the hall before turning right and going up to Tharn and Type's door. He knocked and waited till Type open the door.

"Hey, I know I already apologized but I wanted to-"

"No need to keep apologizing I forgive and would have done the same to get away from whoever was keeping me captive, but I hope that you don't see staying here as being held hostage anymore."

"I don't, I love Kongpob and wish to be with him forever." He said making Type smile.

"It hits you fast doesn't it"


"Love, love hits you fast when you least expect it."

"It does, but I know now that I don't have to pick between love and taking care of my family."

"Good" Tharn said coming up next to Type. "I would say if you hit my mate again I'd break your arm but my mate and yours would kill me so I'll just say I forgive you."

"Thanks.." Arthit said a little afraid of him. "There is a guys night happening tonight with just you, me, Can and Team if you want to come."

"Most definitely"

"Good, I'll see you tonight" he said before heading back upstairs. He smiled when Kongpob handed him a plate of eggs, bacon and pancakes before giving him a quick kiss. Things were finally looking up.

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