Chapter Thirteen

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Arthit waited anxiously for his daughter to come up the hill with Knot. She has five minutes to get her or he was going to lose it. He released a breath when she and Knot appeared. She looked unharmed and she looked happy but he wasn't going to completely relax till she was safely through the gates. She ran the rest of the way when she saw him and he wrapped his arms around her the moment she passed through the gate before it closed.

"Thank you for taking her" he said.

"It was a pleasure" he said before looking at Stella. "I'll see you tomorrow Stella"

"Bye P'Knot" she said waving at him before he turned and went back down the hill.

"Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah, but lots a people were surprised to see me, those jerks thought that I wasn't coming back." She said as they climbed the stairs to the front door. Arthit didn't tell her that they probably thought the demons would kill her. Those idiots can go fuck themselves.

"Where's Kong" she said before the door opened to reveal Kong who was holding a plate full of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She smiled and rushed the rest of the way up the stairs and threw her arms around him.

"Hey kiddo, did you have fun today?"

"Yeah, are those for me?" She asked.

"They are for us to eat since it's going to be you and me tonight while Arthit has a guys night with the other humans."

"Make sure she doesn't have any homework to do before you guys do anything fun." He said before kissing Kongpob.

"Will do" he said picking Stella up by here waist and put her over his shoulder before taking her upstairs. Arthit smiled as he watched them leave before he closed the door and headed to the kitchen to help the others prepare dinner for guys night out.

As the made the meal they talked more about their past and in return for sharing about their past he shared how he got into BDSM.

"I was fifteen and I was looking for some porn to watch but nothing was interesting until I saw this one video that said master punishes naughty sub and it changed my whole life. I found out I was more of a submissive and found chat websites for submissives who have been in the lifestyle longer. They told me that you could either do it twenty four seven or just in the bedroom. I was into both but it really depended on the dominant."

"How many dominants have you had?" Type asked.

"Kongpob is my first long-term Master but I have had about seven dominants that I have played with."

"Holy shit.." Can said.

"Who do you think out of the three of us would be a good submissive."

"None of you" Arthit chuckled. "I mean you can learn but with your tempers you would be punished more than you would be pleasured."

"Fair enough" Type said. They grabbed their plates full of Khao pad (it's basically fried rice but a little spicy) and headed out to their spot outside. They ate and talked casually before they were done eating.

"So tell us your story" Team said. Arthit told them the whole story about his promise then meeting Kongpob and being scared about breaking that promise.

"We were all scared to fall in love, hell I had an anxiety attack the first day like you from Tharn touching me but...he made me feel safe and loved and not damaged." Type said.

"Win was afraid to fall because his dad was an abusive piece of shit who blamed Win for his Papa dying in child birth." Team said.

"I was bullied so badly that I lost myself and was angry all the time until I met Tin and he helped me through it."

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