Chapter Fifteen

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Kong clutched his chest feeling panicked and scared and worried and immediately stood up. Tharn growled before moving towards the door.

"Something is wrong" They said. Before they could get to the door in ran a pissed off Type.

"Where is Arthit and Stella?" Kongpob asked full of worry.

"The bitch of a social worker came to the school and said that she was taking them cause he didn't file paperwork that he moved from where he lived in the village to here. There was a fight and I tried to get to them but they took Stella while they arrested Arthit for assaulting a police officer. Those assholes tried to arrest me but I used my speed to get out of there." Type said before Kongpob's eyes turned bright blue and he roared in anger.

"He told me to go get you and tell you that they were taking him to Bangkok, Stella I'm pretty sure is going to Bangkok too."

"I'm going to kill every single person who touched my mate and daughter." He said in his dark voice before he headed towards the door.

"Kongpob wait, we don't know where in Bangkok they are holding them." Win said.

"I will burn the whole place down if I have to."

"Let's try avoiding killing innocent people." Can said before grabbing a laptop from the living room coffee table. Cold water was poured onto Kongpob while Can did some research. He glared at Dean and Nine but felt his fire going down, he snapped his finger and he was in new clothes.

"So it looks like there a lot of police station in Bangkok but only a few near group homes. As for Stella, I'm not sure where she is since there a many orphanages in Thailand especially in Bangkok." Can said. "If she shows up in the system I'll find h- fuck yeah, Arthit just showed up in the system."

"Where?" Kong asked. His voice went back to normal and so did his eyes as he stared at the laptop.

"Bangkok third district, looks like he's not being charged with anything right now but that could change." He said. Kongpob looked at Tharn making Tharn nod.

"I'll send my best lawyer out and he'll meet us in Bangkok within the hour." He said before pulling out his phone to make the call.

"Any word on Stella?" Kongpob asked.

"Not yet but I'll let you know if there is."

"Thanks Can"

"You're welcome"

An hour later, Kongpob was waiting in a visitor room with the best demon lawyer in the world. He was handsome but wasn't his type, he believed his name is King.

"Don't worry Your Highness these charges won't stick." He said.

"I don't give a shit if they want to charge him I'll burn this place to the ground, consequences be damned." He growled. The door opened a few minutes later and a guard came in with a pissed off Arthit. He saw Arthit relax when he saw him before trying to go to him but the guard stopped him.

"Get your fucking hands off him." Kongpob said making the guard drop his hand.

"The hand cuffs stay on" The guard said.

"Why is that necessary, they are boyfriends." King said.

"He's a danger to everyone." The guard said.

"Only to assholes like you" Arthit said before moving over to Kongpob. Kongpob immediately broke the handcuffs chain making the guard protest, Kongpob flipped him off before kissing Arthit.

"Are you okay?' he asked a minute later breaking the kiss.

"I am, I might have some brusies from when the slammed me on the floor." He said making Kongpob growl.

"Show me" he said before Arthit lifted his shirt to show him the forming brusies. "I'll kill whoever did this to you."

"I don't give a damn about him, they won't tell me where Stella is." He said.

"Can is looking into it and he'll find her." He said.

"Good, I want to leave and go home."

"I will have you out of here soon." King said before bowing. "I'm King, I'm your lawyer Your Highness."

"If that man is royalty then I'm Santa Claus." The guard mocked.

"You speak one more time and I'll have your fucking tongue riped out." Kongpob said.

"You can't threaten me I'm a officer of the law."

"Listen here you little shit I'll-" he said but Arthit stopped him.

"Kong stop it, it won't help" he said before pulling him to the table and into a chair before sitting next to him. The lawyer told the guard to leave and shut the door when he left. The guard glared at them before leaving and closing the door.

"If you weren't here I'd tear his fucking eyes out." Kongpob said.

"Okay let's focus Your Highnesses, they are taking you to court to see if they are going to charge you or let you go."

"I don't care about me I want to know about Stella." Arthit said worriedly.

"I care about you" Kongpob said. "Worry about yourself and I'll worry about Stella."

"How can I?" he asked. "Our daughter is somewhere out there with people she doesn't know probably scared out of her mind." He said.

"I will find our daughter and I'll make sure no one can take her from us again." He said. Arthit hugged him as tears ran down his face.

"I love you"

"I love you too" he said before they pulled back and looked at King.

"As I was saying before, they will take you to court but I think I can get it dropped. I found out that the police officer that arrested you knew your family and had a vendetta against your father after he wouldn't sell him some jewels."

"You're kidding me?" Arthit said.

"No, he also has a record of using brute force on people he's arresting."

"So you think it will be dropped based on that?"

"That and you were defending your sister and yourself." King said. Kongpob looked over at Arthit who looked at him and smiled at him.

"We brought you some clothes since the hearing is today in a few hours."

"I'll be there as support." Kongpob said

"Good" Arthit said taking his hands.

A few hours later, Arthit was brought out into the court room to see all of the princes minus Dean who probably got stuck with the other humans plus Type and the babies. He smiled at Kongpob who smiled back before he was escorted to his chair. King sat next to him while another guy sat on the other side of King.

"Hello I'm Ram, I'll be your second chair lawyer." He said. Arthit had no clue what that meant but he shook his hand, thankful for him being here. They all stood up when a male judge came in and took his seat in the front of the room.

"You may be seated and let's begin." He said. The state lawyers talked first telling the judge why he should charge Arthit as an adult for assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. Then King talked and told them why this case was ridiculous and that the officer that arrested him had a vendetta against the Rojnapat family.

After reviewing the case and the evidence the judge agreed with King and dismissed the case making everyone that was on Arthit's side cheer. Arthit turned to talk to Kongpob when he saw an angry Jazz stand and glare at him. He flipped her off before kissing his boyfriend.

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