Chapter Four

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Arthit froze when the good looking demon kissed him, he didn't expect him to do that...and it made him panic a little at how much it felt good to be kissed by an attractive guy. He immediately pulled back and stepped back taking deep breaths.

"D-Don't d-do that a-again" he said.

"I will agree to it if you stay here." Kong said. A plan started to form in Arthit's head as he calmed down a little, he needed this demon to think he was going to stay for this to work.

"As long as there is no more kissing or anything physical." Arthit said. He did notice Stella giving him a weird look that said what are you doing but he chose to ignore it.

"Not like you have a choice whether I say yes or no but I'll humor you." He said making Arthit relax a little. His next words cleared that relaxed feeling away.

"For now"

" that we have that taken care of, can we borrow your mate and his sister to show them around?" Team asked.

"When you are done show him where my apartment is." He said before looking at Arthit. Arthit refused to look at him knowing his gaze would make him melt into a puddle. Team, Type and Can walked Arthit and Stella through the mansion telling them about all the new additions they had made to the house over the year. They told him that every prince has an apartment and that every prince and his mate have chores that they do.

"Win and I live in the attic but it's more like an apartment than an attic" Team said.

"We live down in the basement." Can said.

"How long have you guys been here?" Arthit asked.

"I've been here three years today" Team said. "I was the first to arrive but we will get into each of our stories later."

"I arrived next and have been here two years today." Type said.

"I was next and have been here for one year today." Can said. They headed to the backyard and while Type told them something about the house Arthit realized that Can disappeared. They told them that the creepy mansion that the villagers see isn't how the actual mansion looks like.

"What do you mean it-" Arthit said before turning and seeing what the actual mansion looked like.

"Holy shit" Stella said making Arthit move his gaze from the house to glare at her.

"Language young lady!!" He said making the others chuckle a little. The backyard was massive and not what he expected, none of this was what he expected.

"That ends our tour" Type said.

"Any questions about the house or chores?" Team asked making Arthit and Stella shake their heads.

"Okay, we should show you guys where you will be staying." Type said.

"Where did Can go?" Arthit asked. They all looked around but didn't see him till they walked back in to see him coming down these long stairs. They saw him meet his husband before they kissed, they watched as Tin picked him up and put him over his shoulder before hearing Can say.

"You couldn't wait till I finished the tour." He was then carried off into the kitchen.

"What couldn't Tin wait for?" Stella asked. Arthit's eyes widened before he immediately said.

"Nothing you need to know" Type and Team led them to the stairs before they all went to the floor before turning right and heading down a hallway till Type stopped and one of the two doors, each door was on the opposite sides of each other. Type knocked on the one on the left side before looking at Arthit.

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