Chapter Seventeen

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Arthit and Kongpob waited anxiously to see their daughter again. The other princes went home to tell the others the news. They instantly perked up when they heard their daughter's loud voice telling people off.

"Don't touch me you aren't my parents!!" She yelled before she burst through the door trying to escape.

"Stella!!" Arthit said in tears. Stella's head swung towards them before she broke out in a smile.

"Papa" she yelled before running over to him and jumping into his arms.

"I've missed you so much" he said. "You are our daughter and no one is ever going to take you away again."


"Promise" Kongpob said making her smile.

"Daddy" she said before Kongpob joined their hug in a family hug. Arthit and Kongpob both kissed her head before looking at her.

"Let's go home" they said making Stella nod. Kongpob snapped his fingers before a portal showed up and Kongpob and Arthit who held Stella stepped through it to the applause and cheers of everyone in the mansion. They were welcomed home by everyone and while everyone was talking with Stella, Type came up to him.

"We are never going to another parent teacher conference again." He said making Arthit laugh.

"I think I'm going to homeschool her till the others and I graduate college so we can all teach her." He said.

"Sounds like a plan" Type said before pulling him into a hug. "You are family now and we protect our own so remember that."

"I will" he said hugging him back. They pulled away before they all headed outside for a barbeque. Half way through, Kongpob found the two most important people in his life asleep in the hammock. He smiled down at the before easily picking them up without disturbing them then turned to tell the others that they were going to take a nap. He then used his super speed to get to their apartment before heading to his bedroom and putting them on the bed. He took off their shoes before tossing them on the floor before laying down next to them and throwing a large blanket over them. This was his family and he wasn't going to let them out of his sight ever again.

Two Weeks Later...

"What are you getting Kong for his birthday?" Type asked.

"None of your business" Arthit said.

"Oh come on tell us" Can said.

"Nope" he said finally finding the box with all the BDSM rope he collected over the past two years, he found it among the many boxes in his living room. He had recently just sold his house to one of the mayor's kids, not the two that were bullies but the youngest one who was nice and had nothing to do with his family after what they did to Arthit and Can. He had movers move his stuff to the back of the the mansion where he was able to take the boxes inside with having to go far from the gates.

"What do you need that box for?" Can asked.

"Again, none of your business" he said before he told them to get out and go stall Kongpob. They left complaining that he was mean making Arthit chuckle. If he told them what he was actually doing they would probably never look at rope the same way again.

He went into his room and locked the door before setting the box on the coffee table. He pulled out the contents and smiled, tonight he was going to let his boyfriend/master do whatever he wanted to him. He had secretly opened the drawer of toys earlier and set out many things like floggers, whips, butt plugs, cock rings, paddles and every dildo he had on the marble slab surrounding their bed. The rope was the last thing on the list and one he hoped Kongpob would use to tie him up six ways from Sunday.

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