Chapter Twenty-Four

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Hannah's hair for her wedding is the picture featured :)

Dad did find out about us sneaking out, like I thought. All three of us had to go to his office and he lectured us. He actually wasn't as angry as I thought he would be, but now there are guards everywhere, especially in the garden. A guard has to follow each of us around. It's kind of annoying, but I easily adapted to it. I've also been working in my dad's office daily. It's been sort of stressful, but in the long run- and now- it's helping me. Plus, I know how the country is doing economically, now.

It's Hannah and Zayn's wedding day and I'm full of excitement. Hannah, Cierra, Emma, and I are all in my room getting ready for the wedding. I'm straightening Hannah's hair so the updo will look perfect. Emma and Cierra are doing their own hair. The three of us are going to curl our hair and pin some of it back, very simple.

"I'm so nervous," Hannah says for the millionth time.

"I know. You've told me too many times to count," I tease.

"What if Zayn backs out?"

"He won't. You know why? Because he's madly in love with you. He's probably freaking out for the same reasons, Hannah."

"You're right. " Cierra peeks her head into the bathroom.

"The dress almost couldn't zip all the way. If the wedding was a week later, I think I would have had to get refitted," Cierra says.

"Oh my god, I didn't think about you being pregnant and all," Hannah says to her through the mirror. "You're hair looks great." Cierra's hair is curled and pinned back already, and it looks nice.

"Thanks," Cierra says before going back to curling Emma's hair, I assume. I finish straightening Hannah's hair, which was quite easy because it isn't super thick, like mine.

"Emma! I need you're help!" I call as I grab the pearly, jewel clip and bobby pins. Emma comes in and place the bobby pins and clip in her hands. I grab most of her hair that's in the middle-back and back a small bump then pin it with bobby pins. I push some of her hair forward to temporarily frame her face. Next, I grab the rest of her hair that I didn't push forward and bunch it up neatly. Emma hands me lots of bobby pins and I pin the bunch of hair tightly. I then grab the hair framing Hannah's face and pull it back and pin it loosely near where I pinned the bump. I pull some of it even looser, trying so make it perfect. Finally, I put the dazzling clip in the middle where most of the bobby pins are. I make sure it's clipped tight so it doesn't have a chance at falling out and then overload Hannah's hair with hairspray. "Gorgeous," I compliment.

"Thank you so much, Alli," Hannah says with a smile.

"You're welcome. I would do anything for you, Hannah."

"Surprise!" someone calls. I step out of the bathroom and see Carina.

"Hi!" I exclaim.

"I'm here to help, preferably with makeup," Carina says with a smile.

"Good, you can do mine," Hannah says, suddenly by my side.

"Okay!" Carina says and rushes into the bathroom with a small bag, probably full of makeup products.

I head over to Emma and Cierra. Cierra's curling Emma's hair right now and is almost halfway done.

"Lookin' good," I compliment. They both thank me before I disappear into my closet and change into my dress. I look in the mirror and straighten it some.

Emma's hair is soon fully curled and pinned back before she begins to curl my hair. Meanwhile, Cierra waits for her makeup to be done by Carina. There's a knock at the door, and I slightly jump. Cierra gets up with a curious look on her face and goes to open the door. She talks to someone before her and a little girl, who looks about five, walk in. She's wearing a mint dress that has skinny straps and reaches a couple of inches past her knees. There is also a white belt on her waist that changes into a huge bow on her side. She's also wearing white flats that have jewels of all sizes on the toes. She looks adorable, but her hair isn't styled, so we'll have to do that.

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